Krishna Valley Cattle: Origin, Characteristics, Uses

The Krishna Valley cattle are a domestic breed of cattle native to the North Karnataka region in India. They are a draught breed and mainly used for agricultural works purposes.

The cows are moderate milk producers and the bulls are known for their strength and endurance. The breed is known to have originated in the areas drained by the Krishna, Ghataprabha and Malaprabha rivers of the Bijapur, Bagalkot and Belgaum districts.

They were once very important breed of cattle, but their importance lost due to limited use of draught power and choice of farmers for high milk producing cattle breeds. Total number of the Krishna Valley cattle has decreased dramatically.

National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources came to the rescue of this germplasm and a project to conserve the breed was initiated in X plan under Network project on AnGR through BAIF Development Research Foundation.

Currently main breeding tract of this breed includes Raichur, Bijapur and Belgaum districts of Karnataka state. And Satara, Solapur and Sangli districts of Maharashtra state.

It is believed that the Ongole cattle breed of Andhra Pradesh, Gir and Kankrej breeds of Gujarat and local cattle breed having Mysore type blood in them have contributed to the origin of the Krishna Valley cattle breed. Read some more information about the breed below.

Krishna Valley Cattle Characteristics

The Krishna Valley cattle are relatively large breed as compared to some other Indian cattle breeds. They have a massive frame with deep and loosely built short body.

Common color of their body is grey-white with a darker shade on fore and hindquarters in bulls. And the mature cows are more whitish in appearance than the bulls.

Sometimes brown and white, black and white and mottled colored animals are also often seen. Distinct bulging forehead and massive body are the main characteristics of this breed.

Both bulls and cows usually have small curved horns which usually emerge in an outward direction from the outer angles of the poll and curve slightly upwards and inwards.

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Neck of the Krishna Valley cattle is short and thick. And their dewlap is well-developed and pendulous. The sheath of the animals is also slightly pendulous. They have small and pointed ears.

Their body is short but the barrel is large and well-developed. Legs of the animals are short and thick and look powerful, but the hooves are said to be be soft. Info from and photo from Wikipedia.


Krishna Valley cattle are a dual-purpose breed of cattle. They are used for both milk production and agricultural work purposes. The bulls are known for their strength and edurance.

Special Notes

The Krishna Valley cattle are very hardy, strong and active animals. They are a heavy draft breed which are suitable for agricultural work purposes in the black cotton soil area.

Agricultural tasks in this area become extremely difficult to work during the rainy season. The breed is also used for hauling heavy loads. The cows are fair milkers, and their milk-producing capacity is extremely variable.

Average milk production of the cows is about 900 kg per lactation. Review full breed profile of the Krishna Valley cattle in the following chart.

Breed NameKrishna Valley
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeMilk, draught
Special NotesDocile, friendly, large, extremely hardy
Breed SizeLarge
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Coat ColorMainly grey-white
Milk YieldAverage
Country/Place of OriginIndia

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