Serrai Sheep: Origin, Characteristics, Uses, Photo

The Serrai sheep is a breed of domestic sheep from Greece. Currently it is distributed in the Western Macedonia (plains of Serres) and Thrace.

And it is well adapted to the humid areas with high temperatures. Today, it is raised for both meat and milk production.

The breed is superficially similar to the Scottish Blackface. But it’s fleece is finer than that of the Blackface or Zackel type, approaching the quality of a British Down wool. However read some more information about the Serrai sheep below.

Serrai Sheep Characteristics

Serrai sheep are a medium to large sized animal. They have a roman nose and thin tale. Their wool color is white with entire black or black spots around their head and legs.

Some animals have a brown fleece, and these were said to be better milkers. Serrai rams are usually horned, but the ewes can have horns or are polled.

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Average body height of the mature rams is around 68 cm. And the ewes are slightly taller than the rams, measuring around 73 cm.

Average live body weight of the mature Serrai rams is around 78 kg. And the mature ewes on average weight around 60 kg. Photo and info from Wikipedia.


Serrai sheep is a dual purpose breed. It is raised for both meat and milk production.

Special Notes

The Serrai sheep are raised on the plain of the Serres in Northern Macedonia. They are well adapted to the humid areas with high temperatures.

They are dual purpose animals and kept for both meat and milk production. The ewes on average produce about 1.5 lambs per litter, and they lactate 154 to 236 days.

Their average lactation period is around 221 days, with an average milk yield of around 0.7 kg per day. Their milk is of very good quality, containing around 7 percent fat content.

This sheep breed is also pretty good for wool production. The fiber has a 34 micron diameter. However, review full breed profile of the Serrai sheep in the following chart.

Breed NameSerrai
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeDual purpose, meat and milk
Special NotesKept on the plain of the Serres in Northern Macedonia, well adapted to the humid areas with high temperatures, dual purpose animals, kept for both meat and milk production, also good for wool, good quality milk
Breed SizeMedium
WeightMature rams weight around 78 kg, and average live body weight of the mature ewes is around 60 kg.
HornsRams are horned, but the ewes can have horns or are polled
Climate ToleranceNative climates
ColorWhite with entire black or black spots around head and legs
Country/Place of OriginGreece

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