Delaine Merino Sheep: Characteristics, Uses, Photo

The Delaine Merino sheep is a type of Merino sheep originated in the United States. It is mostly predominant in North America.

It has become a most practical Merino sheep on the average farm and is especially adapted to range sheep production in the Western and Southwestern states.

The breed is also known by some other names such as American Delaine sheep and American Merino sheep. And it has been bred for over thousand years.

The Delaine Merino sheep has earned international reputation for it’s prize-winning wool production. Today the breed is raised mainly for wool production in it’s native area. However, read some more information about this breed below.

Delaine Merino Sheep Characteristics

Delaine Merino sheep are medium sized animals. Unlike most Merinos, these animals have a smooth body and short neck, sometimes with one or two dewlap under their chin.

Their wool is strong, fine, soft, dense and uniform in length. The wool extends down their legs. They grow large, often become long-legged with inferior quality wool.

As a medium sized animal, average live body weight of the mature Delaine Merino ewes is between 57 and 82 kg. And the mature ram’s average live body weight vary from 80 to 107 kg. Photo and info from and Wikipedia.


The Delaine Merino sheep is a wool sheep breed. It is raised mainly for wool production.

Special Notes

The Delaine Merino sheep are strong animals. They have a highly developed flocking instinct, which makes them good range animals and easy for shepherds and their dogs to herd around.

The ewes are excellent mothers, and they can produce twins about half the time and can breed out of season.

They are said to have longer productive lives than other sheep breeds. They can live and produce lambs and wool for 10 years, or sometimes more.

The Delaine Merino sheep are excellent foragers, and they can thrive well in extreme climates.

They have the ability to adapt themselves to the mostly harsh range conditions of Western and Southwestern states.

These animals are relatively slow to grow like most other Merinos. However, review full breed profile of these sheep in the following chart.

Breed NameDelaine Merino
Other NameAmerican Delaine sheep and American Merino sheep
Breed PurposeMainly wool
Special NotesVery hardy and strong animals, have highly developed flocking instinct, ewes are excellent mothers, have longer productive lives than other sheep breeds. Excellent foragers, can thrive well in extreme climates, can adapt themselves to the mostly harsh conditions, relatively slow to grow
Breed SizeMedium
WeightMature ewe’s body weight is between 57 and 82 kg, and the mature ram’s live body weight vary from 80 to 107 kg.
Climate ToleranceAlmost all climates
Country/Place of OriginUnited States

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