Saithe Fish: Characteristics, Diet, Uses, Photo

The Saithe fish is a species of marine fish in the Pollachius genus. It is also called by many other different names such as Sillock, Poodler, Pollock, Kench Cure, Gloshan, Glassan, Green Cod, American Pollack, Coalfish, Billet, Coley etc.

It is found in the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen to the Celtic Sea, and along southern Iceland. It is found along southwest Greenland and from Hudson Strait to North Carolina, in the Western Atlantic.

The Saithe fish is a commercially important species. Currently it is widely available, and listed as Least Concern. However, read some more information about this fish species below.

Saithe Fish Characteristics

The Saithe fish has a small barbel at tip of the lower jaw. The lateral line is smooth along the entire length.

The fish is generally brownish-green dorsally, and only slightly paler ventrally. Their fins are colored like the body, except for the pelvic fins which are pale. The lateral line is also pale.

The mature Saithe fish can grow up to 130 cm in total body length. And they can weight up to 32 kg. Photo and info from Wikipedia.

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The smaller Saithe fish in inshore waters are feed on small crustaceans and small fish. But the larger fish prey predominantly upon fishes.


The Saithe fish generally reach maturity at their 5-10 years of age. But the European population reach maturity within 3 years. They spawn in batches.

Generally spawning occurs in late fall and winter, but begins in September and end in March in the western North Atlantic (with peak from November to February).

On an average, the females can lay between 220,000 and 4000000 eggs per spawning depending on their size.


The Saithe fish is mainly used for food.

Special Notes

The Saithe fish is an active, gregarious, pelagic fish occurring in inshore and offshore waters to about 200 m depth. It is an important commercial fish species.

It is generally caught with Purse seine, Danish seines, trawls, longlines and also trolling with spoons is used.

It is a long lived fish with an average lifespan of 25 years. This fish grow relatively faster, but reach maturity pretty slower.

The Saithe fish is mainly used for food. It is marketed fresh, frozen, chilled as fillets, and also dried-salted, canned and in brine. The flesh of this fish is darkly colored.

The fish is eaten fried, steamed, boiled, broiled, baked and microwaved. However, review full breed profile of this fish in the table below.

SpeciesP. virens
Binomial NamePollachius virens
Other NamesAlso known as Sillock, Poodler, Pollock, Kench Cure, Gloshan, Glassan, Green Cod, American Pollack, Coalfish, Billet, Coley etc.
Breed PurposeMainly food
WeightCan reach up to 32 kg
Special NotesActive, gregarious, pelagic, important commercial fish species, long lived fish with an average lifespan of 25 years, used mainly for food, marketed fresh, frozen, chilled as fillets and also canned and dried-salted, darkly colored flesh, eaten fried, steamed, boiled, broiled, baked and microwaved
Breeding MethodNatural
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Body ColorBrownish-green dorsally, and only slightly paler ventrally
AvailabilityAmerica and Europe

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