Caring For Beef Cows: Simple Steps For Beginners

Generally caring for beef cows is comparatively easy compared to caring for dairy cows. In case of caring beef cattle, you don’t have the extra hassle of milking the cows and other caring procedures are relatively easy.

You can either use the animals on your existing herd, or purchase from the market for raising them for beef production.

Whether you purchase from market or already have on your herd, you need to take proper care of the animals for keeping them healthy and productive.

Actually beef cows are those girls which are not used for producing milk, and used mainly for the purpose of meat production. However, here we are describing more about the beginner’s guide to caring for beef cows.

Caring for Beef Cows

Feeding, housing, vaccinating and regular health check ups are the common steps of caring for beef cows. We are describing more about each steps below.

Feeding Nutritious Food

Feeding good quality nutritious food is the most important part of caring for beef cows.

Beef cows are generally kept inside most of the time and they are feed formulated foods which helps to maximize meat production. You can also let them to graze out on pasture.

Beef cows are generally fed according to what stage of reproduction they are in, their body condition and their physiological needs.

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The thin cows need good quality hay and possibly supplementation to put on weight over the winter.

You also need to ensure your cows have access to sufficient clean water and loose mineral all the time.


Beef cows require comfortable house/shelter to stay healthy. You should arrange all required facilities for them inside the shelter.

Cleaning their house/shelter regularly is also necessary for keeping them healthy.

Herd Health Program

You should always maintain a good herd health program. Just like the dairy cows, keep up-to-date with vaccinations, de-worming and de-licing throughout the year.

You may need to apply de-worming and de-licing several times per year. While some vaccines for your cows may only need to be given once a year.

Consult with a vet in your area for best vaccinations, de-worming and de-licing products that will be best for your cows and also discuss about the availability.

Check Your Cows Regularly

You need to check your cows regularly for any signs of injury or other health problems.

Although the beef cows generally don’t require check-ups as frequent as the dairy cows.

Because the beef cows are a bit more tougher and less reliant on humans than dairy cows.

Breeding Schedule for Beef Cows (optional)

This is an optional part of caring for beef cows. You can maintain a breeding schedule if you want to produce calf.

You can plan for a year-round breeding program if you want to have the option of selling weaned calves throughout the year.

Other Care

You should occasionally or regularly check the fences. Cows tend to escape, and you need to have a strong fence for keeping them inside the area.

You also need to clean your cows on a regular basis. Read more about the ways of cleaning a cow. God bless you!

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