Black Bengal Goat Farming Business Plan

Black Bengal goat farming is very popular, especially in Bangladesh and some parts of India. As the name suggests, the black Bengal goat is from Bangladesh and it’s among the very good meat goat breeds.

Taste and quality of the meat of black Bengal goat are very good. That’s why the meat is very popular and expensive in both domestic and international market.

Actually black Bengal goat farming is very popular in Bangladesh and some parts in India. And it is a very useful small livestock animal of Bangladesh.

Black Bengal goats are generally raised both in small scale and commercial scale and they are very suitable for stall fed goat farming system.

Small scale black Bengal goat farming play a very important role and it’s a great income source for the poor people of Bangladesh. And commercial production of this goat can be a great business and income source for the unemployed educated people of Bangladesh.

Meat of black Bengal goat is of very good quality and it has great demand and price in both domestic and international market. So commercial black Bengal goat farming business can be a great source for the people for earning foreign currency.

Not only for meat production, commercial black Bengal goat farming business can also be very good for producing very high quality milk and skin. Milk of the black Bengal goat is of very high quality and the skin also of very good quality.

In a word, commercial black Bengal goat farming has a great potential and it can be a great income source for the people. If you are a beginner, then read more information about goat farming on our site and then start raising this goat for quality meat production.

What are the Advantages of Black Bengal Goat Farming

There are many advantages of black Bengal goat farming business. Here we are shortly describing about the notable advantages of starting black Bengal goat farming business.

  1. The black Bengal goats are relatively smaller sized animals. They require relatively less housing space.
  2. They require less food as compared to many other common meat goat breeds.
  3. You will need relatively less investment for starting black Bengal goat farming business.
  4. The black Bengal goats are very hardy and diseases and other health problems are generally less than other livestock animals.
  5. The does are very productive and you can increase the size of your herd within a very short period of time.
  6. The does give birth of kids at least twice a year. And produce 2-3 kids in each kidding.
  7. Meat of the black Bengal goat is very tasty and nutritious. And it has very high demand and price in the market.
  8. Skin and milk of this goat breed are also of very good quality.
  9. The milk is very good for health and help to prevent tuberculosis and asthma.
  10. Small scale black Bengal goat farming can be an additional source of income for the landless and marginal farmers.
  11. Commercial black Bengal goat farming business is very profitable and it has great ROI (return on investment) ratio.

How to Start Black Bengal Goat Farming?

Staring black Bengal goat farming business is relatively easy. Even the beginners can also maintain a small farm. However, here we are describing everything about starting and operating a commercial black Bengal goat farming business.

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Step 1. Purchase Goats

First of all, purchase goats from any of your nearest livestock market or existing farms where black Bengal goat is available. Price of live goats is relatively less in Bangladeshi market. Although it’s not possible for us to tell the exact price, exact price can vary from place to place.

Please visit any of your nearest black Bengal goat farms or livestock market to know more about current price. You can also search your local online classifieds for selecting and purchasing black Bengal goats. If you are a beginner in goat farming business, then you should start in small scale by purchasing minimum number of goats.

Step 2. Housing

The black Bengal goats are smaller sized animals and they generally require less housing space as compared to many other larger meat goat breeds. Around 10 square feet space per goat will be enough. But if you raise your goats in stall fed system, then you will need 20-25 square feet playing space per goat.

Raised house are generally considered best for commercial black Bengal goat farming business, because it has many facilities (although you can use floor based system if you don’t have enough money). Ensure good ventilation system inside the house. Try to construct the house facing east or south. Try to make the house comfortable for the goats.

Install all feeding and watering materials inside the house. And keep separate rooms for breeding bucks and pregnant and nursing does. Try to build the house far from noise and pollution. And always try to keep the house clean.

Step 3. Feeding

Feeding is the most important part of black Bengal goat farming business. Adequate and nutritious feeding is the key to success in meat goat farming business. And as a good meat goat breed, the black Bengal goat also require very good quality and nutritious food.

The black Bengal goats are relatively smaller sized animals, so they require relatively less food. They generally love both greens and grains. And you will need to provide them with supplementary feeds for better growth.

Along with providing the goats with high quality feeds, always try to give them enough clean and fresh water as per their demand.

Step 4. Breeding

The black Bengal goats are excellent breeders, and they will breed easily. The goat breeders generally used to keep some bucks for breeding their does. And most of the black Bengal goat farmers prefer natural breeding instead of using artificial breeding system.

Step 5. Caring

Proper caring is a must for keeping the goats healthy and productive. So you have to take proper care of your black Bengal goats. Vaccinate your goats timely and always keep good contact with a vet in your area.

Step 6. Marketing

Marketing goat products is not a problem, especially for black Bengal goats. Meat, skin and milk of black Bengal goats are of very good quality and have very good demand in both domestic and international market. So, you can easily sell your products in any of your nearest market.

These are the common steps for black Bengal goat farming business. Hope you have learned a lot from this guide! Good luck and may God bless you!

3 thoughts on “Black Bengal Goat Farming Business Plan”


    I want to buy black bengal goats.
    What is the near for this goats, in which area they are available in Andhra Pradesh.

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