Black Australorp Chicken Farming Business Plan

Black Australorp chicken farming is very popular among the backyard poultry keepers. The breed is also an ideal choice for the novice domestic poultry keepers. Black Australorp chicken farming is very popular because these birds are good looking, hardy, easygoing and highly prolific layers.

The Black Australorp is a chicken breed of Australian origin, which was developed as an utility breed with a focus on eggs production. And the breed achieved world-wide popularity in the 1920s after the breed broke numerous world records for number of eggs laid and has been a popular breed in the western world since.

The name of the breed ‘Black Australorp’ is a combination of Orpington and Australian. Because the breed was developed in the early 1900s by Australian breeders from English Black Orpingtons.

The Black Australorp chicken is one of eight poultry breeds created in Australia and recognized by the Australian Poultry Standards. The most popular color of this breed is black. But blue and white color varieties of this breed are also available.

However, as these birds are highly prolific, so starting a commercial Black Australorp chicken farming business for eggs production can be profitable. And the breed is also very good for producing meat. So, commercial Black Australorp chicken farming can be a good business if you can manage everything perfectly.

Colors & Varieties

Like many other chicken breeds, the Black Australorp chickens also come in both standard and bantam size and many different colors. Black, blue and white color varieties are available (South Africa recognizes buff, splash, wheaten laced and golden colors). But the black variety is most common and very popular.

How to Start Black Australorp Chicken Farming

Starting a commercial Black Australorp chicken farming business is very easy and simple, just like starting a chicken farming business with any other domestic chicken breeds.

They are very gentle and well behaved birds, and they are very easy to care. Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful Black Australorp chicken farming business from purchasing birds to caring and marketing.

Purchase Chickens

First of all you have to purchase very good quality, healthy and disease free chickens for starting Black Australorp chicken farming business. You can either start with day old chicks or mature birds. But you will need to take extra care of the birds if you raise the chicks.

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The Black Australorp chickens are very common and popular throughout the world. So you will probably be able to easily source the birds for purchasing. Consider purchasing the birds from any of your nearest breeding centers or existing farms. You can also search your local online classified websites.


Making a good, comfortable and safe housing system is important for Black Australorp chicken farming business. So try to make a good house which is comfortable and safe for your birds.

The Black Australorp chickens are suitable for raising in both confined and free range system. Generally 4-5 square feet space is required per bird if you want to raise them in confined system. But they will require more free space if you want to raise them in free range system.

While making the house, install good ventilation system and ensure flow of sufficient amount of fresh air and light inside the house. And make the house in such a way so that you can easily clean the house.


Feeding the birds with very good quality and nutritious food is the most important part of Black Australorp chicken farming business. So, always try to feed your chickens with enough fresh and nutritious food.

You can feed your chickens with ready-made or commercial chicken feeds which are available in the market. You can also prepare the feed of your own by following the guide about making layer poultry feeds.

Never provide your chickens with contaminated feeds. And always provide your chickens with enough clean and fresh water as per their demand.


The Black Australorp chickens are naturally very good breeders. But if you want to produce fertile eggs for producing chicks, then you have to keep good ratio of hens and roosters. Generally one mature rooster is enough for breeding 8-10 hens.


The Black Australorp chickens are very hardy and they are long lived birds. And they have a good resistance to the most common poultry diseases. All types of physical deformities such as bent toes or twisted beaks are less in well bred Black Australorp chickens.

The Black Australorp chickens can also adopt themselves well with low temperatures and cold weather. They can actually survive well in almost all types of climatic condition and produce eggs. Although taking additional caring will ensure good health and also good growth of the birds.

So, try to take good care of your birds. Vaccinate them timely and keep good contact with a vet in your area.


Both meat and eggs of chicken have very good demand and value in the market. So, you will probably be able to easily sell the products in your local market. Although, you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.

Temperament of Black Australorp Chicken

The Black Australorp chickens are very gentle and well behaved in nature. And this is the main reason of why most of the backyard poultry keepers like them. Both hens and roosters are calm, quiet and friendly in nature.

And they are very easy to handle. They are very suitable for both confined and free range chicken farming system (but ensure that your flock is not overcrowded in confined system).

The Black Australorp chickens are beautiful, calm and friendly breed and they are very suitable for raising in your backyard. They are suitable for both commercial purposes and also for raising as pets.

However, the Black Australorp chicken is a fantastic breed to raise commercially. And commercial Black Australorp chicken farming business is profitable if you can manage everything perfectly. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

Frequently Asked Questions

People ask many questions about Black Australorp chicken farming. Here we are trying to list the most common questions about raising these poultry birds. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Is Black Australorp chicken farming profitable?

Yes, raising these chickens is a very profitable business. You can make good profits from this business.

How to start Black Australorp chicken farming business?

Starting commercial Black Australorp chicken farming business is very easy and simple. You can start this business easily for making money. First of all you have to purchase good quality chicks, then make a good shelter for them feed them with nutritious food, keep good ratio of male and female in your flock and always try to take good care of your birds.

How long does it take for Black Australorp to grow?

Generally, these chickens become mature within their 5-6 months of age. And the hens remain productive for 6-7 years and the roosters remain productive for 3-5 years.

How do you feed Black Australorp chickens?

Feeding the Black Australorp chickens is very easy. You can use crumbles or mash for feeding the chicks. Use a feeder for giving them foods, and use a waterer for providing the birds with clean and fresh drinking water.

How much space does a Black Australorp need?

The Black Australorp chickens generally need more space as compared to many other chicken breeds. Generally a mature Black Australorp chicken need around 8 square feet of housing space in a pen.

How many years do Australorps lay eggs?

Depends on numerous factors. But generally, the Black Australorp hens lay eggs for up to five years after reaching maturity.

What age can you butcher Black Australorp?

You can start marketing your Black Australorp chickens after their 6 months of age.

How long do Black Australorp hens live for?

Average lifespan of these chickens is between 6 and 10 years.

How many eggs do Black Australorp lay per week?

Generally a Black Australorp hen can lay between 4 and 5 eggs per week.

How many eggs can an Australorp sit on?

Generally, a Black Australorp hen can sit on up to 10 eggs.

Are Australorps noisy?

No, these chickens are not noisy or flighty. They are delightful and quiet birds.

Do Black Australorps get along with other chickens?

Yes, the Black Australorp chickens are fantastic with both humans and other birds.

How much do Black Australorp chickens cost?

Exact price of the Black Australorp chickens depends on numerous factors and can vary from place to place. You can expect the price around $3-$4 per bird.

Are Black Australorps good for meat?

Yes, the Black Australorp chickens are very good for meat production.

Are Australorps heat tolerant?

No, the Black Australorps are not much heat tolerant like the Leghorn chickens.

Are Black Australorp chickens good egg layers?

Yes, the Black Australorp hens are good egg layers, and they can lay around 4-5 eggs per week.

What are black Australorp chickens good for?

The Black Australorp is a dual purpose breed. It is good for both meat and eggs production.

Can Black Australorp chickens fly?

No, the Black Australorp chickens are not among the good fliers. They actually struggle to fly.

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