Riverview Farm Park

Have you heard about riverview farm park? Actually, riverview farm park is a municipal park which is located in Newport News, Virginia.

Rivierviw farm part is run by the Newport News Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism.

Where Riverview Farm Park Located?

Riverview farm park is located in an area of 1.1 square kilometer in the Menchville section of Newport News, at the intersection of Menchville and Youngs Roads. The Riverview Farm Park Visitor Center sits at the end of City Farm Road.

riverview farm park

Riverview Farm Park Offerings

Riverview farm park is offering athletics, trails, playground and family-use structures.


At the part site, there is a general-use seccer field and the field is adjacent to the playground. And there are restrooms available in the area of the field.

Playground & Family-use Structures

Riverview farm park is home to a 3,000 square meter community playground called “Fantasy Farm“. This park also has several picnic areas along with some shelters.


2 miles of paved, multi-use trails available surround the playground and soccer field area. There is also a trail that runs from the Riverview Farm Park Visitor Center to the bank of the Warwick River. If you have time, then you should visit the riverview farm park. It’s a wonderful area for spending some good time.

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