Top 40 Dates Farming FAQs

Dates farming faqs are common questions interested people often ask. Actually, people ask many questions about dates farming business. Here we are trying to list the most common questions about dates farming, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Dates Farming FAQs

1. Is dates farming business profitable?

Yes, date cultivation is a very profitable business. You can make good profits from this business if you do everything perfectly.

2. How to start dates farming business?

Starting commercial dates farming business is relatively easy and simple. Follow the steps mentioned below for starting and operating a successful date production business.

  1. First of all, select a good location.
  2. Then prepare the soil.
  3. Add organic and chemical fertilizers while preparing the soil.
  4. Choose the right variety for your production.
  5. Purchase seeds or off-shoots for growing date palm tree.
  6. Plant the seed or transplant seedlings.
  7. Water the plant frequently.
  8. Do mulching, pruning and thinning of dates.
  9. Take necessary steps if you notice and pests or diseases.
  10. And finally, harvest and send the dates for marketing.

3. How long does it take to grow a dates?

Generally, the date palm trees require 4-8 years to start fruiting after planting.

4. Are dates easy to grow?

Yes, the dates are very easy to grow. The date palm trees are very strong and hardy, and they generally require less caring and other management. Even the beginners can start this business easily.

5. What climate do dates need to grow?

Date palm trees generally love hot, dry and sunny weather for better growth. But they don’t grow well in very rainy and humid climates.

6. Where are the best dates grown?

The date palm trees warm climate with little to no rain conditions. The Middle East is by far has the most favorable climatic conditions for growing dates.

7. Where dates are grown in the United States?

The date palm trees grow very well in California, Arizona, and Florida.

8. How long does it take for a date tree to produce fruit?

Generally, the date palm trees require 4-8 years to start fruiting after planting.

9. How many trees are in one acre of dates?

You can plant approximately 60 date palm trees per acre.

10. Which country is the largest producer of dates?

Egypt is the largest producer of dates.

11. Which country eats the most dates?

Egypt eats the most dates.

12. Which country is the largest importer of dates.

As per 2021, India is the largest importer of dates.

date farming, dates farming, date cultivation, dates cultivation, growing dates, how to cultivate dates, commercial dates farming, dates farming business, dates farming faqs

13. Do date palms need lots of water?

No, they require very less water. Actually, the date palm trees require no watering once established.

14. On which tree do dates grow?

The dates are grown on date palm trees.

15. How do you know if a date seed is male or female?

It is very easy to tell if a date seed is male or female. For determining the seed gender, the seed is sown under the straw mat. If a seedling bends under the straw mat, then it would be female. But if the seedlings pushes the straw mat and emerges out straight, it would be a male date palm.

16. Which type of soil is most suitable for date farming?

Sandy loamy soil is considered best for date farming business. pH of the soil should be between 8 and 11.

17. Why do dates grow in the desert?

The date palm trees require only little amount of water. So they are able to survive in the desert.

18. How big do date palm trees get?

Depends on location and some other factors. But they are typically large and can grow up to 120 feet.

19. How long can date palm trees live?

The date palm trees have long lifespan with some trees can live for up to 100 years.

20. How to take care of a date tree?

Common date palm caring tasks include frequent fertilizing, occasional watering, controlling pests and diseases, pruning and thinning of fruits.

21. How do you make date palms grow faster?

Providing organic fertilizers, occasional watering and good caring will result faster growth of the date palm trees.

22. Which dates are more expensive?

Ajwa is the more expensive and famous dates.

23. Why are Ajwa dates special?

The Ajwa dates are special because they are excellent for boosting the immune system.

24. Who is the best dates in the world?

Medjool is the most popular date variety. It is also known as the California date.

25. Can you eat dates off the tree?

Yes, all dates can be eaten.

26. Can you eat fresh dates?

Yes, you can eat both fresh and dried dates.

27. How much does a date tree produce?

Exact amount of production per tree depends on the age of the tree. Peak production from a tree occurs when it reaches between 30 and 35 years of age, with an average of up to 200 pounds of fruit each year.

28. How many times does palm tree produce in a year?

Palm fruits grow in dense bunches, each weighing between 10 and 25 kg, and containing many thousand individual fruits. A healthy productive tree will produce 12 to 14 of these bunches each year.

29. How many types of dates are there?

Many. Actually, there are more than 200 varieties of dates available with different shapes and flavors.

30. Can I grow dates from seed?

Yes, sure! The date palm trees can be grown from seeds.

31. Do male date palms produce dates?

No, the male date palm trees don’t bear fruits.

32. How are dates pollinated?

The male trees produce pollen, and the female trees produce flowers. Unfortunately, neither birds or bees are attracted to the flowers, so the females have to be hand pollinated.

33. Can dates be grown in India?

Yes, the date palm trees can be grown in India. Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Gujarat are the top dates producing states in India.

34. Can a date tree survive in the desert?

Yes, the date palm trees can survive in the desert.

35. How do dates survive in the desert?

The date palm plants have ways to store water in their fleshy stems. Thus they can survive well in desert.

36. Can dates grow in humid climate?

Yes, the date palm trees can survive well in warm, dry, or humid climates.

37. Which dates is best black or brown?

Black dates are considered as the best.

38. Is cow manure good for date palm trees?

Yes, cow manure has a balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash and very good for the date palm trees.

39. What does Epsom salt do for date palm trees?

Epsom salts or magnesium sulfate is an excellent source of magnesium for the date palm trees. And it is very helpful in increasing the magnesium in the soil. And increasing the magnesium in the soil will make more available to the palms for extraction and prevent premature yellowing of the leaves.

40. How to sell dates?

You can either sell dates in your local market or plan for exporting. Please consult with your local farmers who are doing commercial dates farming business.

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