Madagascar Rainbow Fish: Size, Care, Color, Price!

The Madagascar Rainbow fish is a freshwater fish species which is native to the rivers and lakes of Madagascar. It is a very beautiful fish and it is well known for its vibrant colors. Because it showcases a beautiful blend of iridescent blues, greens, and yellows. The male fish especially showcases these colors during the breeding season.

The Madagascar Rainbow fish are social creatures and they prefer calm waters with plenty of cover. They typically thrive in densely planted environments in small groups. They exhibit interesting behaviors especially during mating displays.

These fish are wonderful for raising in aquarium environment. In case of raising them in aquarium, they require a spacious aquarium with stable water conditions. However, read some more information about this fish species below.

What is Madagascar Rainbow fish?

The Madagascar Rainbow is a very beautiful freshwater fish which is native to Madagascar. It is well known for its striking colors, particularly the vibrant blue, green, and yellow hues. It is a very popular choice among the aquarium lovers. These are known for their peaceful nature, and they are very suitable for community tanks. Scientific name for these fish is Bedotia geayi.


Like all other fish species, the Madagascar Rainbow fish has several distinctive physical characteristics. They have an elongated, streamlined body, and look very beautiful. Their body shape helps them to navigate their aquatic environment.

In terms of coloration, these fish have vibrant coloration. Their body coloration showcase iridescent shades of blue, green, and yellow color (especially during breeding season). The females tend to be more subdued with softer colors.

Their eyes are relatively large and can appear bright. They have long, flowing fins, and their fins can also display a range of colors. Their dorsal fin is typically larger in males and may have a slight sail like appearance.

Madagascar Rainbow fish, Madagascar Rainbow fish diet, Madagascar Rainbow fish breeding, Madagascar Rainbow fish caring, Madagascar Rainbow fish price, Madagascar Rainbow fish size

Size and weight

A fully grown Madagascar Rainbow fish typically reaches a body length of about 4 inches. And average live body weight of the mature fish is typically between 14 to 28 grams. Although, exact size and weight of these fish can vary slightly depending on individual health and condition.


The Madagascar Rainbow is an omnivorous fish species. Its exact diet varies and depends on numerous factors. But in captivity, you can feed them flakes and pellets, frozen and live foods, vegetable matter and specialty foods. Feeding them with a varied diet is very important, and it helps to ensure their good health and vibrant colors. Feed them 2-3 times a day in small portions.


The males typically display vibrant colors and engage in courtship rituals (which often include chasing females and showcasing their fins). The females release eggs in the water column and then the males fertilize the eggs. Arrange a well-planted tank for spawning (where the eggs can settle among the plants).

You should provide a spacious tank with plenty of plants and hiding spots. Water with slightly acidic to neutral conditions and a temperature range of 75°F to 80°F are considered ideal for successful breeding.

A female typically lay around or up to 100 eggs at a time. And after successful fertilization, the eggs usually hatch within 5 to 7 days (depending on water temperature). You can feed the fry infusoria or finely crushed flakes. It will be better if you can arrange a separate grow-out tank for the fry.


Taking good care of the Madagascar Rainbow fish is very important for keeping them healthy, and active. Their common caring tasks involves providing them the right environment, diet, and attention to their social needs. Monitor their health on a regular basis and take necessary steps if you notice anything uncommon.


Average lifespan of the Madagascar Rainbow fish is between 5 to 8 years.


The Madagascar Rainbow fish is mainly used as an ornamental fish. It is also used for education, and research purposes.


Average price of the Madagascar Rainbow fish depends on numerous factors and can vary from place to place. So, it is very tough for us to tell the exact price. But on an average, you can expect the price between $5 to $15 each.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

People often ask several questions regarding these fish. Here we are trying to list the most common and frequently asked questions about the Madagascar Rainbow fish. Hope these faqs will help you. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have more questions.

How big do Madagascar Rainbow fish get?

They can typically reach a body length of about 4 inches. And their average live body weight is typically between 14 to 28 grams.

How long do Madagascar Rainbow fish live?

They typically live between 5 to 8 years.

How to determine Madagascar Rainbow fish gender?

You can easily determine male and female Madagascar Rainbow fish by observing a few key differences such as coloration, body shape, fins and behavior. The males are typically more vibrant, and the females tend to be more subdued in color. The males have a more elongated and slender body. But the females are typically rounder and fuller. The males have larger dorsal fins, and are more pronounced. You can also determine their gender by observing their behavior. The males will actively court females by displaying and chasing them, especially during breeding season.

What do Madagascar Rainbow fish eat?

You can feed them flakes and pellets, frozen and live foods, vegetable matter and specialty foods.

Why Madagascar Rainbow fish get darker?

They can get darker for several reasons such as stress, lighting, breeding behavior, and certain health issues.

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