Nodoguro Fish: English Name, Sushi, Price! Where To Buy?

The Nodoguro fish (Doederleinia berycoides) is native to the eastern Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean from Japan to Australia. It is actually a specie of fish in the family Acropomatidae (the temperate ocean-basses or lanternbellies).

The Nodoguro fish is known by many other different names in different parts around the world. Its other names include Blackthroat seaperch, Rosy seabass, Akamutsu etc. It is commercially a very important fish species and used as a food fish.

It is specially highly valued as a food in Taiwan. In Taiwan this fish was valued at US$44.60 to US$63.70 per kg for larger individuals in 2024. In some areas of Taiwan, the fish is bred artificially, with efforts being made both towards aquaculture and releasing fry/juvenile fish into the wild. However, read more information about this fish species below.

What is Nodoguro fish?

The Nodoguro is a type of fish in the family Acropomatidae. It is native to the eastern Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean from Japan to Australia. It is prized in Japanese cuisine for its rich flavor and high fat content. It is particularly popular in regions like the Noto Peninsula and is celebrated for its buttery texture and delicate taste. Scientific name for these fish is Doederleinia berycoides.

Nodoguro fish, Nodoguro fish price, where to buy Nodoguro fish, Nodoguro fish in English, Nodoguro fish characteristics

Nodoguro fish in English and other languages

English name of the Nodoguro fish is “Blackthroat Seaperch“. It is called Nodoguro (のどぐろ) in Japanese, 黑喉鲷 (hēi hóu diāo) in Chinese, 점농어 (jeomnong-eo) in Korean, Percebes de garganta Negra in Spanish, and Mérou à gorge noire in French.


Like all other fish species, the Nodoguro fish has several distinct physical characteristics. It has a streamlined, elongated body that tapers towards the tail. The dorsal fin is relatively long and continuous. While the pectoral fins are located low on the body.

In terms of coloration, body of the Nodoguro fish is typically a silvery color with darker shades on the back. Their throat area is notable for its black or dark coloration. Their eyes are large, and prominent.

Size and weight

The Nodoguro fish typically grows to about 30 to 60 cm in body length. Their average live body weight is typically between 2 to 6.5 lbs. Although, some fish can become larger and heavier.


These fish are mainly feed on small fish, crustaceans, and other marine organisms. Their diet primarily consists of a variety of prey found in their natural habitats (such as sandy or rocky sea bottoms).


The Nodoguro fish typically spawns in the spring to early summer. Females usually release eggs in open water. The eggs are buoyant and float, allowing them to drift until they hatch. After hatching, the larvae are carried by ocean currents before settling to the seafloor as they grow.


Average lifespan of the Nodoguro fish is typically between 5 to 10 years in the wild.


The Nodoguro fish is mainly used as food. It is a popular food item in the Japanese cuisine. It is cooked in many different ways, and often enjoyed raw.


The Nodoguro fish are cooked in many different ways. Some popular ways for cooking these fish are grilling, sashimi, sushi, frying, and using in soups. You can try any cooking method depending upon your own preferences.

Nodoguro fish, Nodoguro fish price, where to buy Nodoguro fish, Nodoguro fish in English, Nodoguro fish characteristics


Nodoguro can be used in sushi, either as nigiri or in rolls. Some popular ways to enjoy it are nigiri, maki rolls, sashimi, chirashi, and temaki.

Nutrition and health benefits

The Nodoguro fish is not only delicious but also a highly nutritious food. A 100 grams serving provides following:

  • Calories: About 250–300 kcal
  • Protein: Approximately 20–25 grams
  • Fat: Around 15–20 grams, contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Vitamins: Good source of B vitamins, particularly B12
  • Minerals: Contains essential minerals like selenium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Consumption of Nodoguro fish provides several health benefits. It is good for cardiovascular health. It is also beneficial for energy metabolism and nerve function.


Exact price depends on numerous factors and can greatly vary from place to place. In Japan, average price of the Nodoguro fish is between ¥2,000 to ¥4,000 per kilogram ($15 to $30 USD).

Where to buy?

You can buy this fish from many different sources. Some possible options are your local fish market, Japanese supermarkets, restaurants, and online seafood retailers.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

People often ask several questions regarding these fish species. Here we are trying to list the most common and frequently asked questions about the Nodoguro fish. Hope these faqs with answers will help you. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have more questions.

How big do Nodoguro fish get?

Average live body weight of the mature fish it typically between 2 to 6.5 lbs. Although, some fish can become larger in size.

How long do Nodoguro fish live?

In the wild, average lifespan of the Nodoguro fish is typically between 5 to 10 years.

What do Nodoguro fish eat?

They typically eat small fish, crustaceans, and other marine organisms.

What is the Chinese name of Nodoguro fish?

黑喉鲷 (hēi hóu diāo).

What is the Japanese name of Nodoguro fish?

Nodoguro (のどぐろ).

What is the Korean name of Nodoguro fish?

점농어 (jeomnong-eo).

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