Serama Chicken: Origin, Characteristics, Uses, Photo

Serama chicken is an ornamental breed originating in the Kelantan state of Malaysia within the last 50 years. The breed is also known as Ayam Serama and Malaysian Serama. It is the smallest chicken breed in the world, weighting less than 500 grams.

It is a true bantam chicken breed and is not standardized yet. Serama chicken was created through the crossing of Japanese bantams and some local Malaysian bantams. And it was named after the Thai King Raja Sri Rama. Because of its proud carriage; it carries itself erect, with an upright tail and protruding breast.

Serama chicken is a true bantam breed, which means there are no standard version of this breed. After the development of this breed, it has always been popular as pets and also very popular as an ornamental chicken breed.

They are not only popular in it’s native place but also very popular throughout the world. The breed was first admitted into the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection in 2011.

Serama Chicken Breed Information

Review characteristics, behavior, temperament and full breed profile of Serama chicken below.

Physical Characteristics

Serama chicken is very upright little bird, and it’s breast is high and pushed upwards with the wings almost touching the ground. Because of their such appearance, they are described as brave warriors and archangel chickens in Malaysia.

Their body is short, and well muscled with breast carried high, full and forward. They have fairly large wings in proportion to their body size. Their shoulders are set high.

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The tail of Serama chicken is full and carried high, pointing upwards and held close to the body. There are little or no space between their body and tail. The head is small and carried well back.

Serama chickens have red colored single comb. They have red wattles and the earlobes are red or red white mix. Their legs are of medium to long length. The legs are straight and set wide apart to allow for full and muscular body.

This chicken breed can appear in almost any color. They are not color bred in Malaysia, so there is no standard for this. It is the smallest chicken breed in the world. Typically weight under 500 grams. But even smaller birds are available in it’s native area Malaysia under 250 grams.

But the size alone does not define a Serama chicken. A small chicken without the Serama type appearance is not a Serama, but just another small bantam chicken. Photo from Wikipedia.


A good and secure housing system is very important for serama chicken farming business. A good house helps to keep the birds healthy, and stay secure form all the predators and also protect them from adverse weather conditions. So, try to make a good and comfortable housing system for your birds.

Install good ventilation system while building the house and also ensure flow of sufficient fresh air and light. And ensure 3-4 square feet space is available per bird inside the house. Read how to build a poultry house.


This is the most important part of chicken farming business. You have to feed your birds with very good quality, healthy and nutritious food. Because, good food ensures good health, better growth and maximum production. You can either feed your birds with ready made commercial poultry feeds or prepare their feeds of your own.


The seramas are naturally excellent breeders, and they are just like other bantam chicken breeds. After successful mating, the hens lay eggs, and it takes around 19 days for the chicks to develop and hatch.


The serama chicks are more susceptible to cold temperatures, as compared to other breeds (because of their relative small size). After hatching, it takes about 16–18 weeks for the chicks to mature and reach the point at which they themselves can begin laying eggs.


The seramas are mainly used as ornamental birds. They are also very good as pets.


Serama chicken is very friendly and docile. It loves to be with people and make excellent house pets. And it is one of the most popular pets in America. The crow of cockerel’s is very much quieter than most other large breeds.

But the cockerels can be aggressive and should not be kept together for avoiding fighting. These chickens grow quickly and reach maturity at 16-18 weeks. The hens are all year round egg layers and lay smaller light brown eggs and tend to go broody.

serama chicken, serama chickens, serama chicken colors, serama chicken eggs, serama chicken lifespan, serama chicken breed, serama chicken care, serama chicken characteristics, serama chicken behavior, serama chicken temperament, serama chicken breed profile, serama chicken eggs color

They are pretty hardy, although they came from tropical areas. But they require special care and may need to be protected from very cold temperatures.

Usually, these chickens moult continuously and lose a few feathers everyday. Today the Serama chicken is very popular as pets and as an ornamental breed. The average lifespan of Serama chicken is 7 years, with some living as long as 10 years. Review full breed profile of this chicken breed below.

Breed NameSerama
Other NameAlso Called Ayam Serama and Malaysian Serama
Breed PurposeOrnamental
Breed TemperamentFriendly, Easily Handled, Bears Confinement Well, Docile, Quiet
Breed SizeBantam
Climate ToleranceHeat
Egg ColorLight Brown
Egg SizeSmall
Egg ProductivityLow
Feathered LegsNo
VarietiesSerama is not a color breed in Malaysia. So there is no standard fro this. And the breed can appear in almost any color.
Country of OriginMalaysia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The seramas are a very beautiful and lovely breed of domestic chicken which is raised mainly for ornamental purpose. It is also sometimes raised as pets, and these birds are very adorable. Popularity of this chicken breed is incresing gradually, and that’s why many people are asking numerous questions about these birds. However, here we are trying to list the most common questions about this breed of domestic chicken, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What are serama chickens used for?

The seramas are raised mainly for ornamental purpose. They are often raised as pets.

Are serama chickens friendly?

Yes, the seramas are very friendly chickens and they are very easy to handle.

Are serama hens good layers?

Yes, the serama hens are good layers. A hen can lay between 200 and 250 eggs per year.

How many eggs do serama chickens lay?

Seramas are not among the very good egg layers. Although, they lay enough eggs as compared to their body size. They are capable to lay 200 to 250 eggs per year. Although, there is a lot of variations between the strains.

How much does a serama cost?

Exact price can vary depending on numerous factors such as, strain, age, gender, location etc. Generally, a reputable breeder will charge anywhere from $30 to $40+ for males and from $30 to $70+ for females. They can even exceed $100 each, depending on their broodline.

What is the world’s smallest chicken breed?

The serama chicken from Malaysia is the smallest chicken breed.

serama chicken, serama chickens, serama chicken colors, serama chicken eggs, serama chicken lifespan, serama chicken breed, serama chicken care, serama chicken characteristics, serama chicken behavior, serama chicken temperament, serama chicken breed profile, serama chicken eggs color

How cold is too cold for serama chickens?

The seramas are fairly tolerant of hot and cold temperatures. But they should be kept in a draft-free area above 5°C temperature.

Are serama chickens hard to raise?

No, the seramas are very friendly and it’s very easy to raise them.

Can you eat serama hen’s eggs?

Yes, definitely you can, but the eggs are smaller in size.

How much space do serama chickens need?

On an average, a mature serama require 3-4 square feet housing space.

How many eggs can a serama sit on?

The serama hens are quite broody and they are good in hatching their eggs. The serama hens can only sit on about 4-5 eggs at a time, due to their smaller size.

What do you feed serama chickens?

Seramas are just like other chicken breeds, and you can feed them with regular chicken foods which you used to feed other chickens. You can either feed commercial poultry feeds or prepare the feeds.

Will serama roosters fight each other?

Yes, fighting is very common in these birds. So, watch for signs of fighting and aggression once the roosters reach puberty at 4 or 5 months of age.

What is the difference between a bantam and a Serama?

Serama’s are a true bantam (they have no large counterpart) and are the smallest breed of chicken in the World. While a bantam chicken is the smaller version of their large counterpart.

At what age are serama chickens fully grown?

Generally a serama take between 5-8 months to be fully grown.

How high can a serama chicken fly?

A serama can fly 3-4 feet high.

What do Serama Roosters eat?

Food of serama roosters is just like other chicken breeds. You don’t have to feed them any special food.

How do you take care of a serama?

Caring a serama is very easy. Provide them with good housing facilities, protect them from cold temperatures, feed them nutritious food and provide them with required medications.

Can seramas live outside in the winter?

Yes, these birds generally do well in both indoors and outdoors.

What are serama chicken color varieties?

Recognized color varieties of the serama chicken are blue, black, white, gray, wheaten and chocolate.

What are the main characteristics of serama chickens?

The Serama are characterized by their upright posture, full breast, vertical tail feathers held upright and tight up to the body and vertical wings held down nearly touching the ground. They are the smallest breed of chicken in the world. Seramas are typically under 500 g (18 oz), but even smaller birds weighing under 250 g (8.8 oz) have been bred in its native Malaysia.

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