Bottle Gourd Farming: Business Plan For Beginners

Commercial or small scale bottle gourd farming is a popular and traditional business in many areas around the world. It is a very common, popular and nutritious vegetable and people are growing it from the ancient time. However, do you want to start a bottle gourd farming business? If yes, you are in the right place. Here we are trying to help you with the best techniques for successful bottle gourd production.

But before discussing further, let us say something about what bottle gourd actually is. Scientifically bottle gourd is known as Lagenaria siceraria and it belongs to Cucurbitaceae (cucumber family). It is known by many other different local names in different parts of the world. For example, it is known as “Calabash” or “Lauki” in India.

Bottle gourd is an annual climbing vine and it has vigorous growth. The plant bears white color flowers. The female flowers bear fleshy and bottle shaped fruits. After harvesting this fruit is used as vegetable for cooking purpose.

Bottle gourd is a very popular vegetable in many countries around the world. It is highly popular mainly for it’s exceptional health benefits. It helps in better digestion, reduces sugar level and constipation, cures urinary infections and it is good remedy for treating insomnia.

Bottle gourd is mainly used and consumed as vegetable in many places around the world. In some areas it is also harvested mature to be dried and used as a utensil container, or as a musical instrument.

However, here we are going to describe more about this profitable business. After reading this guide, you will be able to do bottle gourd farming business perfectly whether you are a beginner or an experienced farmer.

What Are the Importance of Bottle Gourd Farming Business?

Before discussing more about the steps of bottle gourd production, let us first discuss the importance of bottle gourd farming business. Here we are going to list the most common and notable importance of bottle gourd farming business.

  • Bottle gourd is a very nutritious vegetable. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. It is a low-calorie vegetable and it promotes good health and wellness.
  • Commercial bottle gourd production can be a great income source for the farmers. Production cost is relatively low and it has good market demand and price. So, you can easily make good profits from this business.
  • The bottle gourd is a versatile crop and it can grow in various climatic conditions. These plants can tolerate and grow well in different soil types and weather conditions.
  • Bottle gourd has a relatively short growing cycle (typically maturing in about 70-80 days. So, you can harvest this crop multiple times in a year.
  • Market demand of bottle gourd is very good and it is increasing gradually.
  • Consuming bottle gourd has numerous health benefits. Regular consumption aids digestion, promote weight loss, and manage blood pressure.
  • Bottle gourd farming can help to improve soil health. These plans have extensive root system and it helps in soil aeration.
  • As commercial bottle gourd farming is a profitable business, so it can be a great way for generating employment opportunities for the unemployed people in rural areas.
  • In many cultures, bottle gourd holds cultural and medicinal significance.
  • Demand of exotic and nutritious vegetables is increasing globally. So, there is potential for exporting bottle gourd to international market.
bottle gourd, bottle gourd farming, bottle gourd production

How to Start Bottle Gourd Farming Business?

Like many other crop farming business, starting commercial bottle gourd farming business is relatively easy and simple. Bottle gourd plants generally grow well and it is very easy and simple to care for the plants. This vegetable production is very similar to pumpkin farming business.

You can start this business easily whether you are a beginner or an experienced farmer (although, we recommend learning practically from existing farmers before starting commercial production). However, here we are trying to describe more about starting and operating commercial bottle gourd farming business from planting, caring to harvesting and marketing.

Step 1: Site Selection

Bottle gourd is a hardy plant and it can thrive well in a wide variety of soil types. But sandy loam soil type with good organic matter is considered best for these plants. Ensure good drainage system and full sun is available.

Step 2: Land Preparation

Preparing the land perfectly is very important for maximum growth and production of bottle gourd. Add as much organic content as you can while preparing the soil. Plough the land finely and add organic fertilizers during the ploughing. Generally 6-7 plowings followed by harrowing is enough for bringing the soil to fine tilth.

Step 3: Consider The Climate Requirement for Bottle Gourd Production

Early growth of the bottle gourd plants require a minimum temperature of 18°C. Ideal temperature for best growth and temperature is between 24°C and 27°C. Although, these plants can withstand low temperatures, but extremely cold temperatures will stunt growth and cause the lant to die from frost. The optimum time for sowing is February-March, June-July and November-December.

Step 4: Choose the Right Variety

There are many varieties or types of bottle gourd available throughout the world to choose from. You should choose the right variety for your production business depending upon it’s availability and demand in your area. You can consult with some local farmers in your area to choose the right variety.

Step 5: Purchase Seeds

After selecting the right variety, purchase good quality seeds. You can purchase the seeds from your local suppliers or order online.

Step 6: Planting

Generally, the bottle gourd seeds are sown directly into small pits. Soak the seeds for 12-24 hours in water for better germination. Germination generally takes around 5-7 days after planting. 2 kg seed is sufficient enough for planting one acre land. Treat the seed with Bavistin at 0.2% at the rate of 3 gram per kilogram to protect the seed from soil borne fungus.

Step 7: Caring

Bottle gourd plants are very strong and hardy and they generally require less caring. Although, taking good care of the plants will ensure good growth of the plant and also ensure good production.

Bottle gourd seedlings grow very fast and they quickly form the habit of a climber. Built strong trellis support to grow better. You can pinch off growing points of the young plant to induce branching. And the side shoots will develop separate male and female flowers in the second month.

After successful pollination, the female flowers have little gourds beneath them. If you notice the male flowers are plentiful, then you can remove some of them.

Step 8: Feeding/Fertilizing

Add as much organic fertilizers as you can while preparing the soil. You can apply farm yard manure at the rate of 20 to 25 tonnes per acre. Apply chemical fertilizer dose of urea 60 kg per acre, and first application is given at the time of sowing, and the second dose is given at the time of fist picking.

Step 9: Watering

Bottle gourd plants require regular and adequate irrigation to grow and produce well. After sowing the seeds, apply immediate irrigation. 6-7 irrigations are required during the summer season. No irrigation is required during the rainy season.

Step 10: Mulching

Mulching is very beneficial for retaining moisture into the soil and also for controlling weed growth. Try to use organic materials for using as mulch.

Step 11: Weeding

Controlling weeds is very important, because they consume nutrients from the soil. 2-3 hoeings are required at the initial stages of plant growth. Carry out the weeding operations at the time of fertilizer application. Earthing up is also an effective way of controlling weeds which should be carried out in the rainy season.

Step 12: Pests & Diseases

Like many other commercial crop, the bottle gourd plants are also susceptible to some pests and diseases. Common pests of these plants are fruit fly, epilachna beetle, pumpkin beetles etc. Spraying Carbaryl at 10% at 600-700 grams in 150 liter water per acre will help to control these pests.

Common diseases of bottle gourd plants are downy mildew, mosaic, powdery mildew etc. Consult with an expert in your area to learn more about the preventing method of these disease.

Step 13: Harvesting

Exact harvesting time of bottle gourd depends upon variety and season. Generally the crop become ready for harvesting in 60-70 days. Medium and tender fruits are harvested, depending upon market requirement.

Cut the fruits from vines with help of sharp knife. You can keep the mature fruits for seed production purpose. Picking of fruits should be done in every 3-4 days during peak season.

After harvesting, separate the fruits depending upon their size. And then make them ready for marketing.

Step 14: Yield

It’s very tough to tell exact yield, because it depends on numerous factors. Generally, you can expect 15-20 tonnes per hectare in 135 days. And between 75-80 tonnes per hectare in 135-175 days for hybrid varieties.

bottle gourd, bottle gourd farming, bottle gourd production

Step 15: Marketing

Marketing bottle gourd is very easy and simple. You can easily sell your products in the local market. Although, you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

People ask many questions about bottle gourd farming business. Here we are trying to list the most common questions about commercial bottle gourd farming business, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What is the nutritional value of bottle gourd?

Bottle gourd is a highly nutritious vegetable and it is valued for it’s health benefits. It is rich in dietary fiber and low in calories, that’s why it is an excellent choice for weight management and digestive health. This vegetable contains essential vitamin C, vitamin B and vitamin K. It also contains some essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. It is also a good source of antioxidants (which help in protecting the body against oxidative stress). Higher water content in bottle gourd aids in hydration and supports kidney function.

What are the health benefits of bottle gourd?

Consumption of bottle gourd has numerous health benefits. It has high water content, and it aids in hydration and supports kidney function. It also help to flush out toxins from the body. It is rich in fiber, and it’s consumption promotes digestive health, prevents constipation, and aids in weight management. Bottle gourd is known for it’s cooling properties (which help to regulate body temperature and relieve stress). It’s rich vitamin and mineral contents helps to promote overall healthy body by enhancing immunity, improving heart health, and maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Consumption of bottle gourd juice is often recommended for managing diabetes and reducing inflammation.

Is bottle gourd farming profitable?

Yes, commercial bottle gourd farming is a profitable business. But determine your marketing strategies before starting this business.

How to start bottle gourd farming business?

Starting a commercial or small scale bottle gourd farming business is very easy and simple. Just follow the steps mentioned above to start and operate a successful farm.

How long does it take to fully grow a bottle gourd?

The time it takes to fully grow a bottle gourd typically ranges from 70 to 80 days.

How long is the life cycle of a bottle gourd?

Depends on the variety and can vary from 135 days to 175 days.

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