Broiler Chicken: What Is It? Breeds, Feed, Lifespan

Broiler chicken (meat chicken) is the most popular type of chicken that is bred and raised mainly for meat production purpose. These meat chickens are raised in commercial farms for meat production and the production system has become a highly industrialized process in the recent years. Total consumption of broiler chickens is surpassing that of beef in industrialized countries. And total demand of meat chickens is gradually raising in Asia.

A report in 2005 stated that “around 5.9 billion broiler chickens were produced yearly for using as food in the European Union”. And total production of meat chickens throughout the world was nearly 47 billion in 2004. And among these, approximately 19% were produced in the United States, 15% China, 13%in the EU25, and 11% in Brazil.

Broiler chickens are fast growing and they reach marketing size earlier, and this is the main reason of their huge global popularity. Most of the commercial broilers reach slaughter weight within their 6 weeks of age. However, before discussing more about these chickens, let us first explain what broiler chicken actually is.

What Is A Broiler Chicken?

A broiler chicken is a type of chicken which is specifically raised for meat production purpose. They are also called “meat chicken”, and they are mainly bred to grow quickly and reach desirable size in a short period of time. They generally reach marketing size within their 6-8 weeks of age.

The modern broilers raised in commercial farms, such as Cornish Crosses and Cornish Rocks, are specially bred to grow quickly and also for efficient meat production. They generally don’t move around much, grow very fast, and convert feed to meat efficiently. They generally reach desirable marketing size of around 2 kg within just 6-8 weeks.

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Broiler chickens have distinct physical characteristics and its very easy to recognize them. They are generally larger and heavier in size with a broad breast than most other common types of chickens. Most of the broilers have white feathers. Their skin color is generally yellowish. Legs of these chickens are often larger and more muscular than other chicken breeds, and the legs are strong and sturdy.

Broiler chicken’s wings are proportionally smaller as compared to their body size. Their average body weight at their 6 weeks of age is around 2kg, and around 3 kg at their 8-10 weeks of age. And the mature broiler chicken reach a body weight of 3.5-4 kg or sometimes even more.


Feeding the broiler chickens with very good quality and nutritious food is the most important part of raising them. In commercial or large scale production, they are generally feed commercially prepared balanced food based on their age and growth stage. The chicks are given starter feed from their day 1 to 3 weeks of age. This type of starter feed are very high in protein (around 22-24 percent) to support initial growth.

Then they are feed with grower feed from their 3 weeks to 6 weeks of age. Grower feed generally contain around 18-20 percent protein. And when they reach 6 weeks of age, they are generally fed finisher feed. Finisher feed contain around 16-18 percent protein.

Common ingredients used in broiler chicken feed are corn, soybean meal, minerals, vitamins, and sometimes additives. These ingredients help to promote good health and growth. Although, exact formulation of the feed can vary based on specific needs of the birds. Feeding the commercially prepared food is a good option.

Generally, no exact feeding schedule is followed for feeding the broiler chickens. Rather they are typically fed free-choice. That means, they have constant access to feed to ensure they eat as much as they need to grow quickly. And always ensure availability of enough clean and fresh water as per their demand. Avoid providing them contaminated food and polluted water.

broiler, broilers, broiler chicken, broiler chickens, broiler chicken characteristics, broiler chicken breeds, broiler chicken farming, broiler chicken lifespan


Adequate lighting play a very important role in the growth and health of broiler chicken. Provide light continuously in their early stage (first week or so). Doing this is very important to promote feeding and also to help the chicks to adapt to their new environment.

You can reduce lighting period after their initial period and make a combination of light and dark periods. 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness per day will be very good for their good health and growth. You can use fluorescent or LED lights for lighting purpose.


Ensuring a very good housing system with the availability of all required facilities is very important for raising broiler chickens. Long, enclosed buildings with controlled environments are the most widely used housing system in commercial broiler production. Ensure good ventilation system inside their house. And use temperature control system by using heating systems and cooling systems. Make the house comfortable for the birds by using common bedding materials such as straw, rice hulls or wood shavings.

Providing the broiler chickens enough housing space is also very important. In modern commercial chicken farming system, the recommended space is generally around 1 to 1.5 square feet space per bird. Clean their house on a regular basis and maintain good hygiene.

broiler, broilers, broiler chicken, broiler chickens, broiler chicken characteristics, broiler chicken breeds, broiler chicken farming, broiler chicken lifespan


Broiler chickens generally grow faster, but they are susceptible to some health problems and diseases. So, taking good care of the broiler chickens is very important. Always try to feed them with good quality and nutritious food and enough clean water. Arrange a good, controlled and comfortable housing system for them. Vaccinate them timely and monitor their health on a regular basis. Keep good contact with an experienced vet in your area, and ask him/her for help if you face an emergency.


Broiler chickens used in reproduction are known as parent stocks. They are specifically selected and bred for producing fertile eggs. These parent stocks are different from the broiler raised for meat in commercial farms.


The broiler chickens are generally calm, docile and social birds. They mostly focus on eating and resting, that’s why they grow quickly. They generally don’t move around much and prefer to stay in one spot. Although, they might get a bit aggressive when they are in a crowded space, especially around the feeders. They generally stay together in groups and don’t explore their environment much. They adapt themselves quickly to their housing conditions and spend most of their time lying down and resting. Commercial broilers generally don’t show nesting behaviors. They become happy if you can make their environment comfortable.

broiler, broilers, broiler chicken, broiler chickens, broiler chicken characteristics, broiler chicken breeds, broiler chicken farming, broiler chicken lifespan


Compared to many other common chicken breeds, the broiler chickens have relatively short lifespan. They are generally processed for meat within their 6-8 weeks of age. But they can live longer if you don’t slaughter them for meat.

Broiler Chicken Farming

Broiler chicken farming is a very popular business in many parts around the world. Broilers grow very fast and you will be able to make profits from your business within a very short period of time (within 6 to 8 weeks). In commercial broiler chicken farming business, these birds are kept in a big, controlled house where the temperature, lighting and air quality are carefully managed to help them stay healthy and grow fast.

You have to feed your broilers a special diet which is specially formulated for these chickens. Ensure they have plenty of food and water available all the time. Monitor their health on a regular basis and keep good contact with a vet in your area. Vaccinate them timely to prevent health problems and diseases. And you can start marketing after 6 to 8 weeks.

broiler, broilers, broiler chicken, broiler chickens, broiler chicken characteristics, broiler chicken breeds, broiler chicken farming, broiler chicken lifespan

Broiler Chicken Breeds

There are several broiler chicken breeds available throughout the world. Most common breeds are Cornish Cross and Cornish Rock. Some other common and popular broiler chicken breeds are Cobb 500, Ross 308, Arbor Acres and Hubbard.

Welfare Issues

Artificial breeding has made broiler chickens grow very quickly and they reach slaughter weight much faster than before. And this rapid growth can cause some health problems. Because, their bodies are not always able to keep up with their speed of growth. For example, they might suffer from sudden death or fluid build up.

Broiler chickens are bred to have bigger breast muscles. This breast muscles can make it hard for them to walk properly and puts extra stress on their legs and hips. Many broilers face leg problems and can’t move well, so they spend their time laying down more often. And then this physical inactivity can lead to skin issues from being in contact with ammonia in their bedding.

In commercial production, the broiler chickens are often kept in crowded conditions. Such crowded conditions can affect their feed intake, growth and overall health condition. Many broilers die during catching, packing and transport.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can broiler chicken lay eggs?

Yes, but they are not laying breed and lay less eggs as compared to layer chickens. Broiler chickens are raised mainly for meat production and they are not good for producing eggs.

How long does a broiler chicken live?

Generally, they are processed for meat within their 6-8 weeks of age. They can live longer like some other chickens if they are not used for meat production.

Can you eat broiler chicken eggs?

Yes, sure! You can eat broiler chicken eggs like other chicken breed’s eggs.

How broiler chicken is made/produced?

Broiler chickens are produced through a process that start with breeding special chicken known as broiler parent stock. The hens lay eggs and then the eggs are incubated in hatcheries to hatch into chicks. Then the chicks are sent to broiler farms where they are raised in controlled environment. They are fed with high quality feed and kept in proper temperature and lighting. And after 6-8 weeks of age they reach marketing size.

How long does a broiler chicken take to grow?

They generally reach marketing size (around 2 kg) within 6-8 weeks of age.

How much does a broiler chicken eat per day?

Depends on the age and growth stage of a broiler chicken. The chicks (day 1 to 3 weeks) typilly consume around 50-70 grams, and growers (3-6 weeks) eat about 100-130 grams food per day. And near the end of their growing period, they may eat up to 150 grams food per day.

How much does a broiler chicken weigh?

Depends on the age and growing stage of the chickens. They generally weigh around 2 kg body weight at their 6 weeks of age. And a mature broiler chicken may reach a body weight of 3.5-4 kg or sometimes even more.

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