Caracu cattle farming is pretty common, especially in it’s native area. It is a multi-purpose breed of domestic cattle, which is raised for many different purposes. It is good for both meat and milk production, and also used as a draught animal.
The Caracu cattle is a tropical European breed created in Brazil and it’s origin is of the race Minhota. It was developed from the Iberian peninsula and possibly with some influence from African cattle from the Moorish occupation of the area.
The Caracu cattle is an Brazilian breed which is known for it’s hardiness, adaptability and excellent maternal abilities. Main use of the Caracu cattle is as a cross to beef cattle.
In 1534, the first entry of such animals occurred in Sรฃo Vicente-SP. Those animals faced all kinds of difficulties in feeding and parasites in Sรฃo Vicente-SP for several centuries. And this natural pressure evolved into the Criollo such as the Yellow Caracu.
Currently main use of the Caracu cattle is as a cross to beef cattle for producing quality meat. Today the breed accounts for less than 5 percent of Brazilian beef cattle. The Nelore cattle breed is the most common and is by far the predominant breed in Brazil.
However, as these animals are good for both meat and milk production purpose, so starting commercial Caracu cattle farming will be a good business. You will be able to make good profits from Caracu cattle farming business, if you can manage everything perfectly.
How to Start Caracu Cattle Farming
The Caracu cattle are very strong, hardy and active animals. They are well adapted to their native climates. So, starting commercial Caracu cattle farming business will be relatively easy.
Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful Caracu cattle farming business from purchasing animals to caring and marketing.
Purchase Cattle
First of all, you have to purchase very good quality, strong, healthy and active animals for starting your Caracu cattle farming business. Purchasing good quality animals is very important, because good quality animals always ensure good production and maximum profits.
You can purchase the animals from any of your nearest livestock market or any existing Caracu cattle farms in your area (if there are any). Just ensure that the animals are of very good quality, strong, hardy, healthy, active and diseases free.
Making a good housing system with all required facilities is very important for Caracu cattle farming business. Because a good house not only helps the animals to stay healthy, but also helps them to stay free from wild predators and adverse weather conditions.
Exact type of your cattle housing system can be any depending on your budget and also on the availability of building materials in your area. It can be of full concrete setup, or you can build the house with low cost and easily available materials. Just ensure that the house is safe and comfortable for the animals.
The Caracu cattle are classified as a medium to large sized animals. So, they will require relatively more space than average sized animals. Ensure availability of adequate space inside their house depending on the number of your animals.
Good ventilation system is a must for Caracu cattle farming business. So, install good ventilation system and also ensure flow of sufficient amount of fresh air and light inside the house. Make the house in such a way so that you can clean the house easily. And clean their house on a regular basis.
Feeding the animals with very good quality, healthy and nutritious food is the most important part of Caracu cattle farming business. Because, good and nutritious food not only helps the animals to stay healthy, but also helps them to grow better and produce more. So, always try to provide your animals with good quality and nutritious food.
The Caracu cattle are dual-purpose animals. So, they will require a combination of both grains and greens in their diet. You can also consider feeding them silage, especially during the dry season.
Like many other domestic cattle breeds, the Caracu cattle also require lots of clean and fresh drinking water daily. So, ensure availability of adequate amount of fresh and clean drinking water for your animals as per their demand. Never provide them with polluted water or contaminated feeds.
Like many other domestic cattle breeds, the Caracu cattle are naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily if you keep good ratio of bulls and cows in your herd. You can also consider artificial insemination method for breeding your cows.
Taking good care of your animals is the most important part of Caracu cattle farming business. Good caring helps the animals to stay healthy, and also helps them to grow better and produce more.
So, always try to take good care of your animals. Vaccinate and de-worm them timely and always try to keep good contact with a vet in your area.
Marketing cattle products is not a problem. Because, both meat and milk of cattle already have very good demand and value in the market.
Probably you will be able to easily sell the products in the local market. Although, you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.
These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful Caracu cattle farming business. Raising Caracu cattle is very easy and simple. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!