Dorade Fish: Nutrition, Benefits, Recipes, Taste, Price

Dorade fish is a very tasty, nutritious and healthy fish. It is popular fish species in many countries and cuisines throughout the world. The fish is mainly found in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern parts of the Atlantic Ocean. The fish is often found near the coast and likes to stay in sandy or rocky areas.

The Dorade is a highly valuable food fish and a very important species in aquaculture. People have farmed this fish for a long time in coastal lagoons and saltwater ponds. New techniques were created for Dorade fish farming in the 1980s.

And now this fish is farmed a lot in commercial basis, especially in the Mediterranean area around Portugal. Turkey and Greece are the top producers or Dorades. However, before discussing further, let us first explain what Dorade fish actually is.

What is Dorade fish?

Dorade is a very common and popular type of fish that lives in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It is also known as Gilt-head bream, Gilthead, Gilt-headed seabream, silver seabream etc. It is a species of marine ray-finned fish and it belongs to the family Sparidae. And the scientific name is Sparus aurata.

dorade fish, dorade fish benefits, dorade fish taste, dorade fish price, dorade fish recipes

Natural habitat

Dorade fish’s natural habitat is the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean sea. It is mainly found over sandy substrates and in seagrass beds at depth between 1 to 1.5 meter. The young fish typically don’t go deeper than 30 meter. But the mature fish generally go deeper in water. Dorade is a euryhaline fish species that will enter blackish waters.

What are the names of Dorade fish in different languages?

The Dorade fish are known by many different names in various languages. Here are the the other names of this fish in some popular languages:

  • English: Dorade, Sea Bream
  • Arabic: دنيس (Denis)
  • Tamil: தாமரை (Thamarai) or செம்பரடி (Semparadi)
  • Chinese: 银鲷 (Yín diāo) or 海鲷 (Hǎi diāo)
  • German: Dorade
  • Greek: Δοράδα (Doráda)
  • Hebrew: דניס (Denis)
  • Spanish: Dorada


The Dorade fish are beautiful creatures and they have several distinctive physical characteristics. They have a slightly flat, oval-shaped body. And their body is more rounded on the sides, and this shape helps them to swim easily in their natural habitat.

The Dorade fish have a shiny, silver colored body with a pale, and almost white underside. Their body sides can sometimes show a golden or bronze tint coloration, especially near their head. Their head is small with a slightly pointed snout. And their eyes are relatively large in size as compared to their head size. Their teeth are strong and conical.

The dorsal fin of the Dorade fish is spiny and has a noticeable curve. Their pelvic and pectoral fins are prominent, and the anal fin is long and continuous. They have forked tail that helps the fish to swim quickly and navigate through the water efficiently.


Standard body length of a Dorade fish is typically between 30 to 40 cm. However, some fish can reach up to 50 cm or sometimes even more.


The average body weight of a Dorade fish is typically between 1 to 4.4 pounds. Although, these fish can occasionally grow larger, with some individuals reaching up to 8.8 pounds or even more.


The Dorade fish are opportunistic feeders and they have a varied diet. They can adjust their diet based on the availability of food sources in their environment. And their varied diet helps them to thrive in different coastal and marine habitats. However, their diet primarily consists of small fish, crustaceans, mollusks, worms and invertebrates.


The young Dorade fish often form small to medium-sized groups. And they may become more solitary or form smaller groups as they mature. They have a keen sense of smell and vision. And they use their keen sense of smell and vision to locale food. They have abilities to dig and sift through sediments, and this abilities helps them to find hidden prey. The adult Dorades can be territorial, especially around feeding or breeding areas.


The Dorade fish typically spawn during the warmer months, usually from late spring to early autumn (water temperatures are optimal during this period). They move to specific spawning grounds during spawning. These spawning grounds can be in coastal areas or slightly deeper waters, depending on their habitat.

During spawning, the female Dorades release eggs into the water, and the male fish release sperm simultaneously to fertilize them. The eggs float freely in the open water, and after fertilization the eggs hatch into larvae. And then the larvae typically drift with ocean currents.

As the larvae grow, they gradually settle in suitable growing habitats, like sandy or rocky areas, seagrass beds, or estuaries. The Dorades generally reach maturity at around 2-3 years of age. And the reproduction cycle starts again.


Exact life expectancy of the fish depends on numerous factors. Typically, average lifespan of a Dorade fish is between 8 to 10 years.


The Dorade fish are mainly used as food. They are very popular as food mainly for their delicious taste and nutritional value.

Cooking and recipes

Cooking Dorade fish very easy and simple. There are many different recipes available to try. Some most common ways for cooking this fish are:

Grilling: Grilling is the most popular way for enjoying Dorade fish. For grilling, clean and the fish thoroughly. Then season the inside and outside with salt, pepper and herbs you like. You can also stuff it with lemon slices and garlic (although this is optional). After that, preheat the grill to medium-high heat. And place the fish on the grill and cook for about 4-6 minutes per side or until the flesh is opaque and flakes easily.

Baking: Baking Dorade fish is also another popular recipe. First, preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Then clean the fish thoroughly and season it with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Add lemon slices, garlic and fresh herbs inside the cavity. Add herbs as per your own preference. Then place the seasoned fish in a baking dish, and bake it for 20-25 minutes.

Pan-frying: First of all, clean and pat the fish dry, and season it with salt and pepper. You can dredge lightly in flour if you like. Then heat a little oil in a skillet over medium heat. After that, add the fish and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until it becomes golden and crispy.


The Dorade fish is highly nutritious. Hare are the nutritional content per 100 grams of cooked fish.

  • Calories: Approximately 120 kcal
  • Protein: About 20-22 grams
  • Fat: Around 4-6 grams (saturated fat 1 gram or less, and includes healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Cholesterol: Approximately 60-70 milligrams
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Vitamin and minerals: The Dorade fish are also very important source of some essential vitamins and minerals. It is a very good source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium, phosphorus and potassium.

Health Benefits

As you can see the nutritional profile of Dorade fish above, it is highly nutritious and provides several health benefits. It supports muscle growth and repair, as it is a very good source of lean protein. Its relatively low fat content makes it a heart-healthy option. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly beneficial for heart health and improving brain functions. The Dorade fish is also a good source of some essential vitamins and minerals which support various bodily functions.

dorade fish, dorade fish benefits, dorade fish taste, dorade fish price, dorade fish recipes


The Dorade fish is known for its slightly sweet taste. It is not too strong and has a mild and delicate flavor. It has a firm, flaky texture that most people found pleasant to eat. The Dorade is a favorite fish in many dishes mainly for its subtle taste and smooth texture.


Actually, it is very tough for us to tell the exact price of Dorade fish. Because, exact price of these fish depends on numerous factors and can vary widely depending on several factors like region, season, freshness etc. But on an average, you can expect the price of fresh fish between $15 to $25 per pound. The frozen Dorades may be somewhat less expensive.

Where to buy Dorade fish?

You can buy Dorade fish from many different sources. You can search your local fishmongers, specialty seafood markets, high-end grocery stores, and Asian or Mediterranean markets. You can also purchase the fish from online seafood retailers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dorade fish healthy?

Yes, Dorade is a very nutritious and healthy fish. It is a rich source of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. It is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming this fish helps to improve heart health and brain functions.

How to cook Dorade fish?

You can cook the Dorade fish in many different ways. Common and most popular cooking ways are grilling, baking and pan-frying.

Is Dorade fish kosher?

Yes! The Dorade fish has both fins and scales and it is considered kosher.

Is Dorade fish safe for pregnancy?

Yes, the Dorade fish is low in mercury and it is generally safe to eat during pregnancy. But for additional safety, cook the fish properly to kill any harmful bacteria or parasites.

What does Dorade fish taste like?

The Dorade fish is popular mainly for its great taste and mild and delicate flavor with a slight sweetness. Its taste is subtle and not overpowering.

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