Duck Feeding: What To Feed? What Not To Feed Ducks?

Duck farming is not an easy task as it may seem. The main considerable subject for successful duck farming is duck feed. Because good and nutritious food helps to keep the ducks stay healthy and active. If you want to keep ducks for commercial purpose, then you must have to know what feed is essential for their health and good growth and what should not feed to the ducks. To get desired profit from duck farming business, you have to ensure balance diet. This makes sure that the ducks will grow up in a healthy way.

Most of the ducks found in the market are reared in commercial and small farms. However, a number of ducks are also reared in open space or ponds in some areas. However, read more information about duck feed.

What Do Ducks Eat?

Ducks are omnivores, which means they eat both plant and animals. Their diet mainly includes grain, vegetables, fruits, insects, and aquatic plants. In case of grains, ducks typically love corn, rice, and wheat. And they enjoy leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and kale. You can also provide them carrots, peas, and cucumbers. You can provide them some fruits occasionally such as apples, berries, and grapes.

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What To Feed The Ducklings?

Ducks are considered as a good pet and they are also good for egg or meat production purposes. So, if you want to raise ducks, then you must have to feed your ducks properly. Feeding the ducklings (young ducks) is very important because baby ducks become very weak and sensitive. After the birth of ducklings, provide them starter mash for eight weeks. It is better to provide feed at night during the first few days. And provide drinking water through fountains and troughs.

You can provide the ducklings tiny fresh water snails and boiled unhulled rice when the ducklings reach one month of age. Commercial feed of ducklings is generally composed of fish meal, rice bran with oyster shell, corn, soybean meal, dried whey and bone meal with mineral and vitamin supplements. Give your 1 day to 6 weeks ducklings starter mash with 10-20% protein.

What To Feed Growing Ducks?

Growing ducks require more balanced and nutritious feeding. Depending upon the type of duck, the commercial duck feed should contain between 14 to 18 percent protein in their feed. For example, if you raise egg laying duck, ensure that their food is containing between 16-18 percent protein. And if you raise meat ducks, then their diet should contain between 14 to 16 percent protein. Don’t provide them too much protein rich food. Because, too much protein in their diet can harm wing, and feathers. And lack of protein is also dangerous. Because, less protein in their diet may cause serious nutrition problem that hamper eggs production. Give your ducks fresh greens occasionally, such as vegetables, fruits, grass etc.

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What Not to Feed Ducks?

The most common items and waterfowl contains least nutritious and also unhealthy such as bread, chips, crackers, popcorn etc. you should not feed bread to your ducks because it has no health value and also hinders ducklings growth, make dirty  water ways and attract rodents. Similarly, ducks must not feed any products which are spoiled. Besides, spoil feed can be harmful to the duck.

What Are Some Good Duck Feeds?

Not all the feeds are good for ducks growth and their overall health. The feeds that contain the essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins and necessary ingredients for healthy growth and development of ducks are the best feed for ducks. Most of these feeds are similar to the natural grains, seeds and plants that the birds search for their own. Some best duck feeds are:

  1. Cracked corn
  2. Milo
  3. Birdseed
  4. Oats
  5. Barley
  6. Grapes
  7. Chopped lettuce
  8. Earthworms
  9. Vegetable trimmings

How Often Should You Feed Ducks?

In commercial farms, the ducks are generally feed twice a day. Avoid overfeeding your ducks, because overfeeding can make them lazy or cause them to become overweight. Along with adequate feeding, the ducks also require access to clean water all the time, so that they can drink as much as they want.

How To Feed Ducks?

Feeding ducks is very easy and simple. You have to feed them at least once a day, but twice is better in some cases. Don’t overfeed your ducks, because feeding them too much can lead to obesity, laziness and other health problems. A good rule of thumb is to feed the ducks only what they can eat within 15 to 20 minutes. Chop up the food into small, and manageable pieces. Doing this is especially very important for fruits and vegetables, which can be difficult for the ducks to eat if they are too large. Always try to avoid feeding them on the ground or in dirty areas.

Hope this duck feeding guide has helped you. Good luck and may God bless you!

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