The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish is a species of cichlid fish that is native to freshwater habitats. It is mainly found from southern Mexico to Honduras, but also introduced elsewhere. It is a popular freshwater fish among aquarium enthusiasts.
The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is known for its vibrant blue coloration and dynamic personality. And it is no doubt a stunning addition to any tank. The Electric Blue variant was developed through selective breeding, by emphasizing its dazzling blue hue and unique patterns.
In the wild, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish naturally inhabit environments rich in vegetation. Such environment provide them plenty of hiding spots and breeding areas. And all these are essential for their well-being in captivity. However, read more information about this fish species below.
What is Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish?
The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish is a very beautiful and colorful variant of the Jack Dempsey cichlid. It is especially popular and prized for its striking electric blue coloration. It is originally from Central America, and it prefer freshwater environments with plenty of hiding spots (such as caves and dense vegetation). The fish is also well known for its bold, sometimes aggressive behavior. It is a very popular aquarium fish and prefers temperatures between 75ยฐF to 82ยฐF. The scientific name for this fish is Rocio octofasciata.
Physical Characteristics
Like all other fish species, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish also has several distinct physical characteristics. These fish have a robust, elongated body, with a slightly rounded profile. Their dorsal and anal fins are often darker and can feature blue spots or highlights.
But the notable and most striking feature of this fish is its electric blue body. Their body can vary in intensity. The males are typically more vividly colored than the females. They typically have large, expressive eyes that can appear dark or bluish.
Size and weight
Average size or body length of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish is typically between 20 to 25 cm. And their average live body weight is generally between 1 to 2 pounds. Although, their exact size can vary depending on health of individual fish and tank conditions.
The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a omnivorous fish. It can thrive on a varied diet. You can feed your fish with high-quality pellets, flakes, vegetables, live foods and frozen foods.
A male and a female fish typically form a breeding pair. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish are substrate spawners and they prefer to lay eggs on flat surfaces (such as rocks or broad leaves). Depending on the size and age of the fish, a female typically lay anywhere from 100 to 800 eggs. And the males fertilize the eggs immediately after they are laid.
After successful fertilization, hatching occurs typically between 3 to 5 days. Both male and female often take an active role in guarding the eggs and protecting the fry once they hatch.
Taking good care of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish is very important. And their caring tasks involve proper tank setup, maintaining water conditions, selecting the right tank mates for them, providing them with very good quality food, breeding, and monitoring their behavior and health on a regular basis.
Average lifespan of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish is typically between 10 and 15 years in proper care and other management.
Behavior and best tank mates
The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish are known for their bold and territorial nature. The males can be particularly aggressive, especially during breeding periods. So, it is advisable to house them with similarly-sized or larger fish. Some best tank mates for these fish are other cichlids, larger tetras, catfish, rainbowfish, giant gourami etc.
The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish are mainly used for aquarium display, breeding projects, and educational purposes. They are pretty popular among the aquarium keepers.
It is actually very tough for us to tell the exact price of these fish. But average price is typically between $15 to $30 per fish. Although, their exact price depends on their size, age, and some other factors.
Frequently asked questions?
People often ask some questions about this fish species. Here we are listing most common and frequently asked questions about Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish.
What are the best tank mates for Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish?
Some best tank mates for these fish are other cichlids, larger tetras, catfish, rainbowfish, giant gourami etc. Don’t keep small fish, timid species and other Jack Dempseys in the same tank.
Where to buy Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish?
You can buy the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish from many different sources. Some possible options are local fish stores, fish breeders, aquarium clubs and shows, and online retailers. Purchase from the source which is available near your area.
Any Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish for sale near me?
Please search your local fish stores, fish breeders, aquarium clubs and shows, and online retailers.