Fayoumi Chicken Farming: Business Plan For Beginners

Fayoumi chicken farming is less popular, because it is a less common breed of domestic chicken. It is not used for meat or eggs production, rather it is used for ornamental purpose. And the breed is also very good for raising as pets.

The Fayoumi chicken is a very hardy and active breed of domestic chicken. It was originated from Egypt. It is a very old breed and has been raised along the River Nile in Egypt for Centuries.

The Fayoumi chicken was named for the Faiyum Governorate southwest of Cairo and west of Nile. The Egyptians have been raising them since B.C.

The Fayoumi chickens are believed to be descendants of jungle fowl hybrids with domestic fowl that have adapted for life in thorn palm forest and marshes in Egypt (around 3000 years ago). Today, it is a very common and popular breed in Egypt and they grow relatively faster.

Today, the Fayoumi chickens are also available in some other parts of the world, and it is raised for both ornamental purposes and as pets.

So, commercial Fayoumi chicken farming can be a good and profitable business if you can run everything perfectly. But before starting, try to determine whether you can easily sell ornamental or pet chickens in your area.

If you can’t sell your chickens in your local area, then you should consider starting your farm with other chicken breeds.

How to Start Fayoumi Chicken Farming Business

Starting Fayoumi chicken farming business is very easy and simple. These birds are very strong and hardy and they generally require less caring and other management. So you can start Fayoumi chicken farming business even if you are a beginner.

Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful Fayoumi chicken farming business from purchasing birds to caring and marketing.

Purchase Chickens

For starting Fayoumi chicken farming business, you have to purchase very good quality, healthy and disease free birds. You can purchase either day old chicks or mature birds depending on the price and availability in your area.

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Search your local poultry chick suppliers. If the breed is not available in your area, then ask your local poultry chick suppliers to arrange this breed for you. You can also search your local online classified websites.


Making a good, comfortable and safe housing system is a must for Fayoumi chicken farming business. Because a good house not only helps the birds to stay free from predators and adverse weather conditions, but also helps them to stay healthy. So try to build a good house for your chickens.

You can build the house either with easily available materials such as bamboo and wood or the house can be of full concrete setup. Deep litter system is generally used for Fayoumi chicken farming business.

The Fayoumi chicken is classed as a medium sized breed. So they will require around 4-5 square feet housing space. And try to build the house in such a way so that you can easily clean the house.


This is the most important part of Fayoumi chicken farming business. Because good food not only helps the bird to grow better but also helps them to stay healthy. So always try to feed them with enough good and nutritious food.

You can feed your chickens either with ready-made/commercial poultry feeds or prepare the feeds of your own. Whatever you use, ensure that the food is good and nutritious for your chickens.

The Fayoumi chickens are good foragers, and they will take most of their diet from foraging if you allow them to roam freely. This will also help you to reduce feeding costs.

Never provide your chickens with contaminated feeds. And always try to provide your chickens with enough clean and fresh water as per their demand.


The Fayoumi chickens are naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily and produce enough fertile eggs for hatching if you keep good ratio of hens and roosters in your flock.

Generally one mature rooster is enough for breeding around or up to 10 hens.


The Fayoumi chickens are well suited to hot climates and they are very active and hardy birds. So they generally require less caring and other management. Although taking additional caring will ensure good health and better growth of your chickens.

So always try to take good care of your birds. Monitor their health on a regular basis for any signs of diseases or illness. And take necessary steps if you notice anything wrong. Vaccinate them timely and keep good contact with a vet in your area.


Marketing chicken products is not a problem. Because both meat and eggs of chicken have very good demand and value throughout the world.

Although marketing ornamental birds or pet birds can be pretty difficult, especially if there is no or little demand in your area.

So determine the demand for ornamental or pet chickens in your area before starting Fayoumi chicken farming business.

These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful Fayoumi chicken farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

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