Female Betta Fish: Characteristics, Price, Photo

The female betta fish are very popular throughout the world mainly because of their beautiful appearance and unique features as pets. They are also popular for their vibrant colors and relatively less caring requirements. Although, the female betta fish are generally less ornate and decorated when compared to their male counterparts. They usually have shorter fins and less vivid colors, but they can still be quite colorful and attractive. They are generally less aggressive as compared to the males, and they can often live together in groups.

They are found in shallow water in their natural habitat like ponds and paddy fiends in Southeast Asia. The female bettas are very hardy fish and they can survive in a variety of water conditions. But they generally thrive best in warm water with a stable temperature. The female bettas are also known for their ability to breathe air from the surface due to a special organ called the labyrinth organ. However, bettas generally require less caring and keeping them as pets is very easy and simple.

Female Betta Fish Characteristics

The female bettas are different from their male counterparts in several ways in terms of physical characteristics. They usually have shorter fins and less vivid hues. They usually have a more streamlined body shape, although their body shape is less pronounced and less angular than the males. In case of size, the female betta fish are generally smaller in size than the males. They typically reach about 2-3 inches in length.

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Dietary Requirements

Like many other pet fish species, the female betta fish also have some specific dietary needs to stay healthy and active. The female bettas are carnivorous and they require a diet high in protein. They generally eat insects, larvae and small aquatic creatures in their natural habitat. But in case of raising them as pets, you have to provide them high quality betta pellets or flakes that are specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs. You can occasionally provide them a variety of live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia etc.

Overfeeding your female betta fish can cause serious health problems such as obesity and poor water quality. So, feed your female bettas twice a day in small amount each evening. Also consider the age and health conditions of your bettas while feeding. Avoid feeding them generic or poor-quality food. And never provide them contaminated food.


Breeding female bettas is very complicated than just keeping them as pets. You have to setup a separate breeding tank if you plan to breed them, and also have to monitor the water conditions carefully. The female bettas can produce eggs. But the eggs will not be fertile. They need a male betta to fertilize the eggs.


One of the notable and most interesting feature of the female betta fish is their behavior. The male bettas are known for their aggressive nature and tendency to fight with other males. But the female bettas are not aggressive and generally become more peaceful. The female bettas can sometimes live together in groups, as long as the tank is spacious enough.


The female betta fish are relatively strong and hardy fish and they generally require less caring and other management. They do well and thrive best in warm water (ideally between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit). If you live in colder areas, then use a heater to maintain this temperature in their tank. Female bettas require clean water to stay healthy. So clean their tank on a regular basis. You can use a filter to keep the water clean.

Always try to feed your bettas good quality, nutritious and balanced food. Provide them high-quality betta pellets or flakes, supplemented with occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms. Monitor their health on a regular basis and take necessary steps if you notice anything uncommon.


Average lifespan of the female betta fish is between 3 to 5 years. Although, their life expectancy can vary based on several factors including care, diet, environment and genetics.


Exact price of the female betta fish can vary widely based on several factors. Generally, basic female betta fish will cost you between $5 to $15. Price of fancy or exotic female bettas is between $15 to $30, and between $30 to $60 for high quality or show bettas. And female bettas of rare varieties will cost you between $60 to $100 or even more. Please visit any of your local stores or suppliers to know the exact price in your area.


The female betta fish are mainly used as pets. They are popular as pets mainly for their vibrant colors and relatively easy caring. They are also often used for educational purposes, breeding projects, community tanks, show and competition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can female betta fish live together?

Yes, female betta fish can live together comfortably in the same tank. And when they live together, the cohort is called a ‘sorority’. You can keep a maximum of 4-6 female betta fish together in the same tank. Although, you should arrange a large tank for keeping numerous female bettas. Because, they enjoy having their own personal space. They should have enough foliage to hide in when they want to be alone.

Can male and female betta fish live together?

No, it’s not recommended to keep male and female betta fish together in the same tank due to the aggression of males. Although, they can interact safely in controlled breeding setups and with proper precautions. However, several female bettas can live together in groups.

Can I keep a single female betta fish?

Yes, you can definitely keep a single betta fish in your tank. Actually, it can be a great choice for many aquarium fish lovers. A 5 gallon tank will be good for keeping a single betta fish happy.

Can female betta fish live with guppies?

Yes, sure! The female bettas can live with guppies. Try to include plenty of hiding spots (such as plants, caves or decorations) to give both female bettas and guppies places to retreat if needed.

How do I know if my betta is female?

You can easily tell if your betta is female or not. The female bettas usually have shorter fins and less bright colors as compared to males. They are often smaller and less showy. The female bettas are generally less aggressive than the males. They have a more rounded body shape than the males.

Are female betta fish aggressive?

No, the female bettas are not aggressive like the males.

How long do female betta fish live?

Average life expectancy of the female betta fish is between 3 to 5 years.

Any female betta fish for sale?

Yes, betta fish available in almost everywhere around the world. Please search your local pet stores.

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