Italian Mediterranean Buffalo: Origin, Characteristics, Uses

The Italian Mediterranean buffalo is of the River sub-type of water buffalo. It is also known as Bufala Mediterranea Italiana. As the name suggests, it is actually an Italian water buffalo breed. It is similar to the buffalo breeds of Romania, Hungary and the Balkan countries.

Currently the Italian Mediterranean buffalo breed is found throughout Italy, principally Campania. It is the only indigenous water buffalo breed in Italy. The breed was officially recognized in the year of 2000, but a herdbook was opened in 1980.

The buffalo may have been introduced into Italy in Roman times, or during the Barbarian invasions of the Italian peninsula.

A national association of buffalo breeders, the Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Specie Bufalina was formed in 1979, and a genealogical herd-book for the buffalo was opened in the following year. However, Read some more information about this buffalo breed below.

Italian Mediterranean Buffalo Characteristics

The Italian Mediterranean buffalo is a medium sized animal. They have dark slate-grey colored skin with black hair. Their average body height is between 135 and 143 cm.

Average live body weight of the mature bulls is between 500 and 600 kg, but they can reach as much as 800 kg live body weight. And the mature females can weight between 300 and 450 kg live body weight, but they can reach up to 650 kg.[1]

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The Italian Mediterranean buffaloes are used for both meat and milk production. Previously they were used as draught animals.

Special Notes

The Italian Mediterranean buffaloes are very hardy and strong animals. They were widely used as a draught animal in the past.

Currently they are used mainly for milk and meat production. They are raised and selectively bred mainly for the production of the buffalo milk used to make buffalo mozzarella.

Other dairy products including burrata, caciotta di bufala, ricotta di bufala, scamorza di bufala, stracchino di bufala, stracciatella di bufala and yoghurt are also made from the milk.

Lactation of the Italian Mediterranean buffalo lasts for on average 277 days, and generally yields 1600-1800 kg of milk. Yields of 2000-3000 kg per lactation are not uncommon. Average fat content in the milk is about 7.92 percent.

The buffaloes are butchered for both fresh meat and for preserved meat products such as bresaola di bufalo. However, review full breed profile of the Italian Mediterranean buffalo in the following table.

Breed NameItalian Mediterranean
Other NameAlso known as Bufala Mediterranea Italiana
Breed PurposeMilk, meat, and previously used as a draught animal
Special NotesVery strong and hardy animals, used widely as a draught animal in the past, currently used for both meat and milk production, milk is used for making different types of milk products, milk is of high quality containing around 7.92 percent fat content, meat is also good
Breed SizeMedium
BullsBetween 500 and 600 kg
CowsBetween 300 and 450 kg
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Country/Place of OriginItaly

1 thought on “Italian Mediterranean Buffalo: Origin, Characteristics, Uses”

  1. Awesome information, we had no idea where the real mozzarella came from, we always assumed it was just farm dairy cows. What a surprise that we only learned with a trip to Italy via online video of Stanley Tucci learning the origins of his lineage.

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