Khaki Campbell Duck Farming Business Plan

Khaki Campbell duck farming is popular throughout the world, because it is one of the most common breed of domestic ducks. It is also one of the best, famous and most popular egg laying duck breed. And the breed is good for both small scale and commercial duck farming business.

The Khaki Campbell duck is actually a pretty old breed of domestic duck that originated from England. And it was introduced to the public in 1898. The breed was developed by Mrs. Adele Campbell of Uley, Gloucestershire, England.

Mrs. Campbell was a poultry keeper and she purchased an Indian Runner duck of indiscriminate type, which was an exceptional eggs layer. And that Indian Runner duck formed the basis in developing the Campbell ducks.

According to Mrs. Campbell ‘various matings of Rouen, Indian Runner and Wild duck were resorted for producing this breed’. And the resulting ducks were excellent egg layers. And she resorted to further cross-mating in an attempt to develop a more attractive buff-colored duck.

And in January 1901, the resulting progeny was introduced to the public. The resulting color (not quite buff) reminded Mrs. Campbell of British army uniforms. So she named these new breed as ‘Khaki Campbell duck’.

Today, the Khaki Campbell duck is one of the most common and popular egg laying duck breeds and they are highly available in many countries around the world.

However, as these ducks are highly prolific, starting commercial Khaki Campbell duck farming business is profitable. And actually many farmers around the world are raising Khaki Campbell ducks commercially. And the business is definitely very profitable.

How to Start Khaki Campbell Duck Farming

Starting Khaki Campbell duck farming business is as easy as starting a duck farming business with any other domestic duck breeds. These birds are very strong and hardy and they generally require less caring and other management as compared to other common duck breeds.

Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful Khaki Campbell duck farming business from purchasing ducks to caring and marketing.

Purchase Ducks

First of all, you have to purchase some good quality, healthy and disease free birds for starting Khaki Campbell duck farming business. The Khaki Campbell ducks are easily and highly available in most of the countries around the world. So, you will probably be able to easily purchase the birds.

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But you should purchase the birds from any existing farms in your area. Ask for help from an expert while choosing and selecting the birds. You can either purchase the ducklings or mature birds for starting Khaki Campbell duck farming business.

Raising the Ducklings

If you prefer purchasing ducklings, then raising the ducklings is very important. Because, profits from the Khaki Campbell duck farming business depends on how you care for the ducklings. So, caring the ducklings perfectly is very important.

You have to make a good house or brooder house before bringing the ducklings to your farm. Keeping them over the wire net is a good idea, because this will keep the house dry and clean, and will help to keep them free from diseases. But remember, the wire net should be about 1.5 feet above from the ground (so that you can easily remove the manure).

Maintaining the temperature inside the brooder house is very important for raising the ducklings. Keep the temperature between 30.0°C to 32.0°C for the first few days. And then reduce the temperature at the rate of 2.80° C weekly, until the temperature reach 24.0°C.

You can allow them to access the floor at their age of 20 to 25 days. Make a deep litter, before allowing them on the floor. Generally 0.5 to 1 square feet floor space is required per duckling.

Providing the ducklings with adequate drinking water is a must, because they can’t survive without sufficient amount of drinking water. And it will be better if you can create an artificial small pond near their house. Plastic baby pool or used bathtub can be used for making a good swimming place for your ducklings.

You can feed the ducklings with commercial layer or broiler poultry starter feeds. Because these type of feeds generally contain more protein which is a must for raising the ducklings.


Like many other domestic duck breeds, the Khaki Campbell ducks also require very simple housing or accommodation system. You can easily make a good and comfortable house for your ducks. Khaki Campbell ducks generally prefer wet housing condition than high and dry place, because they love to live in wet or watery place.

If you allow your ducks outside, then they will spend most of their time outside the house during the day time. And they will require a safe place just for staying at night and also for laying eggs. So, try to make a good and safe house for your ducks.

As a smaller sized duck breed, a mature Khaki Campbell duck generally require about 2 to 3 square feet flooring space. Also ensure good ventilation system and flow of sufficient amount of fresh air and light inside the house.


Feeding the birds with very good quality, fresh and nutritious food is the most important part of Khaki Campbell duck farming business. So, always try to provide them with enough nutritious food.

If you allow your ducks to roam outside, then they will eat insects, fish, oyster, snails etc. And all these natural foods are good for duck’s health. Although you can do commercial Khaki Campbell duck farming business without allowing them to roam outside.

In such case, you have to feed your ducks with adequate nutritious food which is rich in all required nutrients. As a small breed, on average a mature Khaki Campbell duck will require about 130 grams of feed daily. You can either feed your ducks with ready-made/commercial feeds or you can prepare it of your own.


The Khaki Campbell ducks are naturally very good breeders. Keeping good ratio of male and female ducks will ensure good breeding results. And generally, one mature male duck is enough for breeding 8-10 female ducks.


The Khaki Campbell ducks are naturally very strong and hardy birds, and they generally require less caring and other management. Although taking additional caring will ensure good growth and also good health of the birds.

Diseases are generally less in ducks and it’s a great advantage of Khaki Campbell duck farming business. Although you should be alert, and you must vaccinate your ducks timely.


Marketing duck products is not a problem. Because, both meat and eggs of the Khaki Campbell ducks have very good demand and value in the market. So, you will probably be able to easily sell your products in the local market. Although you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.

These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful Khaki Campbell duck farming business. It is very easy, and highly profitable at the same time. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

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