Oio Fish: What Is It? Other Names, Recipes, Taste, Price!

Oio fish is a fish species which is popular for both sport fishing and culinary uses. It is most commonly found in the warm coastal waters. The fish is particularly popular in Hawaiian cuisine. In Hawaiian cuisine, the fish is often grilled or used in many traditional dishes.

Oio fish is mainly popular because it has a mild flavor and a firm texture. And the fish is versatile for various cooking methods. It is very popular among anglers, and known for its speed and acrobatic fights when hooked. However, read more information about this fish species below.

What is Oio fish?

Oio is a type of fish most commonly found in warm coastal waters. It is particularly popular in Hawaiian cuisine. These fish typically inhabit shallow waters in tropical and subtropical regions. They are often found in sandy flats, estuaries, and coral reefs. The scientific name for this fish is Albula vulpes.

What are other names of Oio fish?

The Oio fish is also called by some other names in other languages. In Spanish, it is called “Pargo” in French it is called “Poisson osseux”, it is called “Peixe-espinho” in Portuguese, “Oio in Hawaiian, and in English the fish is called “bonefish”.


The Oio fish have several distinctive physical characteristics. They have a long and streamlined body and large eyes. Their body is covered with small, easily lost scales (that’s why these fish are called “bonefish”).

They have long, narrow fins. Their tail is deeply forked that helps them to move in high speed. In terms of coloration, the dorsal side is typically silver or grayish, while the belly is white.

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Size and weight

The Oio fish can vary in size depending on their age and habitat. Typically, they reach length of about 50 to 76 cm. And their average body weight is typically between 2 to 10 pounds.


The Oio fish are often seen foraging in shallow waters, sifting through sand and mud to find their food. They primarily feed on small invertebrates and crustaceans.


Depending on the location and water temperatures, the Oio fish typically spawn in the spring and summer. They typically spawn in open water, usually in deeper channels or offshore areas. The female fish release eggs and the males fertilize them. The females can release several thousand eggs in a single spawning event. Depending on the environmental conditions, these fish reach maturity at around their 2 to 4 years of age.


Average lifespan of the Oio fish is typically between 10 to 15 years in the wild.


The Oio fish is mainly used for culinary purpose. They are a popular food item in the Hawaiian cuisine. These fish are also very popular among the angler for sport fishing.

oio fish, oio fish characteristics, oio fish diet, oio fish fishing, oio fish recipes, oio fish cooking, oio fish taste, oio fish price

Cooking and recipes

Cooking the Oio fish is very easy and simple, and there are numerous traditional recipes available to try. Some popular cooking ways are grilling, baking, and Oio ceviche. You can choose any cooking way depending upon your personal preference.

Nutrition and health benefits

The Oio fish is highly nutritious and healthy. A 100 grams serving provides:

  • Calories: Approximately 120-130 kcal
  • Protein: 20-22 grams
  • Fat: 3-5 grams
  • Saturated Fat: 0.5 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: About 0.5 grams

Consumption of Oio fish provides several health benefits. It is high in good quality protein which supports muscle growth and repair. It is relatively low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. It is a very good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. And this fatty acids are known to support heart health by reducing inflammation, and promoting brain function.


The Oio fish is very tasty. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor with firm, flaky texture. Taste of this fish is often compared to other white fish.


Exact price of the Oio fish can vary based on several factors such as location, season and availability. Average price of these fish can range from $10 to $20 per pound.

Frequently asked questions

People often ask questions regarding the Oio fish. Here we are trying to list the most common and frequently asked questions regarding this fish species.

Can you freeze Oio fish?

Yes, you can freeze this fish for preserving its freshness. But for best quality, you should use the fish within 3 to 6 months.

How to clean an Oio fish?

Setup your cutting board in a clean area, have your knife ready and make sure to work over a surface that can handle fish cleaning. Rinse the fish under cold water to remove any slime or debris. Remove the scales and cut the fish along the belly. Then gently open the fish to expose the internal organs and remove the innards. Rinse again and remove the head, and do filleting at last step.

How to cook Oio fish?

Cooking Oio fish is relatively easy and simple. You can cook this fish in many different ways including grilling, baking etc.

What does Oio fish taste like?

This fish taste good and has a mild, slightly sweet flavor with a firm, flaky texture. Taste of Oio fish is often compared to other white fish.

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