Ostrich Farming FAQs

Ostrich farming faqs are common questions related to ostrich farming business. As a beginner you should read about these faqs.

Ostrich Farming FAQs

People ask many questions about ostrich farming business. Here we are listing most common questions about this lucrative business, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Is ostrich farm profitable?

Yes, commercial production of ostrich is a profitable business. But you have to ensure good marketing facilities. So, try to determine the marketing facilities of ostrich products before starting this business. Ostrich products are highly prized in the international market. You just have to sell the products to the right buyers. Your venture will not be profitable without good marketing strategies. Nowadays, commercial ostrich farming for meat, hides, feathers and eggs can be a profitable way to earn a living.

How to start commercial ostrich farming business?

Starting a commercial ostrich farm is relatively easy. First of all, try to complete a training, then select a very good location, select the right breed, make a good house for your birds, make a fence around the farm area, feed your birds with good quality and nutritious food and take good care of them.

How much land do you need for an ostrich farm?

Ostriches are larger sized birds, and they generally need more space as compared to other poultry birds. You will need between 1 and 3 acres of land for running an ostrich farm successfully.

ostrich farming, ostrich farming faqs

How long does it take ostrich to grow?

In most cases, ostriches become mature within their one and a half year (around 18 months) of age.

How fast do ostriches grow?

They weigh about 1kg when born and in the space of 18 months grow to an incredible size of about 140kg.

When female ostrich start laying eggs?

The female ostrich will start laying eggs when she is about two years old.

How much money can you make with an ostrich farm?

Depends on numerous factors and it’s not possible to tell the exact amount. Please consult with some existing ostrich farmer in your area for having some ideas.

How much does 1 ostrich egg cost?

Depends on many factors and also can vary from place to place. You can expect the price around $30 per egg.

How many years do ostrich live?

Average lifespan of an ostrich is between 30 and 40 years.

How many eggs an ostrich lays per year?

Ostriches lay less eggs under natural conditions. But they lay more eggs under farm conditions. Young females produce between 10 and 20 eggs under farm conditions in the first year. And the aged females can lay as many as 40 to 130 eggs annually. Most often the females lay between 40 and 60 eggs in the subsequent years.

How much does a fully grown ostrich cost?

Exact price of an ostrich depends on numerous factors and the price can vary from place to place. But generally, you can expect the price between $30,000 and $80,000.

Are ostriches high maintenance?

No, ostriches are not high maintenance. They generally require less maintenance as compared to many other domestic birds.

How many space does an ostrich need?

The ostriches are larger sized birds, and a mature bird will require around 6 square meter housing space.

What is the age for ostriches to be slaughtered?

Ostriches reach slaughtering age faster if you raise them for meat production purpose. They generally reach slaughtering age within their 12 to 24 months of age.

Do ostriches lay eggs without a male?

Yes, sure! But they will produce unfertilized eggs and you will not be able to hatch those eggs. If you want to hatch the eggs you have have to have a male in your flock.

Do ostriches mate for life?

Yes, ostriches normally mate for life.

What food do ostriches eat?

They generally survive on forage and plants in the wild. They have a diet made up primarily of plant matter. In the wild, ostrich diets consist of roughly 60% plant material, 15% fruits or legumes, 5% insects or small-sized animals, and 20% grains, salts, and stones.

Are ostriches aggressive?

Ostriches may turn aggressive rather than run when threatened, especially when cornered, and may also attack when they feel the need to defend their offspring or territories.

Are ostriches good pets?

No, they are not good pets. Although, the chicks are adorable.

What problems do ostriches have?

Campylobacter jejuni and Chlamydia psittaci are occasionally reported, mainly in young ostriches, but both remain a diagnostic challenge. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever is transmitted to domestic animals including ostriches, principally by ticks of the genus Hyalomma.

How long can an ostrich live without water?

The ostriches are very strong and hardy birds. They can go without water for more than 2 weeks in the wild.

What climate do ostriches need?

Ostriches can tolerate temperature differences of 104° F (40° C)! They prosper in climates between 86° F and -22° F (30° C and -30° C).

What are ostriches good for?

Generally, ostriches are good and raised mainly for meat, hide and feathers.

What are the advantages of ostrich farming business?

Some advantages of ostrich farming business are:

  1. High demand for ostrich products
  2. Low overhead costs
  3. High return on investment
  4. Diversification of income
  5. Environmentally friendly
  6. Sustainable business

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