Top 17 Pig Farming Business Advantages And FAQs

Like many other livestock farming business, commercial pig farming business also has some advantages. Here we are trying list the top advantages of pig farming business, and related frequently asked question or faqs.

Table of Contents

Pig Farming Business Advantages

Pigs are popular and raised throughout the world. It’s an easy and profitable business. Here we are trying to describe the top advantages of starting pig farming business.

  1. Commercial pig farming is not a new business. Many people are already doing this business for earning their livelihood.
  2. As compared to other livestock animals, pigs generally grow faster. They have higher feed to meat conversion efficiency.
  3. They can convert all types of inedible feeds, forages, certain grains byproduct obtained from mills, damaged feeds, meat byproducts, garbage etc. into valuable, nutritious and delicious meat.
  4. You can feed your pigs with almost everything including grains, forage, fruits, vegetables, damaged food, garbage, sugarcane, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, taro etc. Sometimes pigs can even eat grasses and other green plants or roots.
  5. Most of the pigs become ready for selling earlier than other animals.
  6. A sow can be bred for first time at it’s 8-9 months of age. The sows can farrow twice a year, and in each farrowing they can give birth to 8-9 piglets.
  7. Setting up a small scale pig production business is relatively easy.
  8. Commercial production require high investment. But the ROI is good, and you will get back your invested money very soon.
  9. The ratio of total consumable meat and total body weight is higher in pigs. You can get around 60 to 80 percent consumable meat from a live pig.
  10. Pig meat is one of the most tasty and nutritious meat. It is higher in fat and energy.
  11. Pig manure is a great fertilizer and widely used in crop production.
  12. Pig fat is not a waste product. It has also good demand in poultry feed, paints, soap ad chemical industries.
  13. Depending on the breed, a pig reach slaughtering weight within their 7 to 9 months of age.
  14. Pig meat already has very good market. You can also consider exporting your products (such as bacon, ham, lard, pork, sausages etc.).
  15. Small scale pig farming business can be a great way of utilizing your family labor. Women and children can raise a few pigs.
  16. As commercial production is highly profitable, so it can be a great employment source for the rural people. Especially, educated but unemployed young people can take this business for making employment opportunity.
  17. If you consume pig products, then raising pigs in your own farm can be a great way for enjoying those products.
pig farming, commercial pig farming, pig farming business, how to start pig farming, pig farming business advantages and faqs

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many questions related to pig farming business. Especially beginner pig farmers ask many questions. Here we are trying to answer some of the questions that pig farmers ask. Hope you will find yours, but if not, don’t hesitate to ask.

Is pig farming profitable?

Yes, definitely! Diseases and other major health problems are less in pigs. And the pigs generally grow faster. So, pig farming is highly profitable.

Small scale or commercial farming which is more profitable?

Of course, commercial pig production is much profitable. But it requires huge investment. If you have capital issue, you should start with small scale production.

What is pig farming called?

Pig farming is called piggery (where pigs are raised).

How long do pigs take to grow?

It actually depends on the breed you are raising. Most of the commercial pig breeds take around 6 months for reaching market weight.

How many pigs should I start with?

It actually depends on many factors, especially your budget. You can start as less as 2 pigs or as many as hundreds or even thousands of pigs. The more number of pigs you raise the more man power and money you need.

Is pig farming a good investment?

Yes, pig farming is a profitable business. So it is a good investment.

Which is the best pig breed for commercial production?

Some common and popular pig breeds for commercial production are Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc, Hampshire, Spotted, Poland China, Chester White and Berkshire.

Which pig breed grows fastest?

A crossbred pig grows faster than any other breeds.

What are the advantages of pig farming?

There are numerous advantages of pig farming business. We have already listed the top advantages of this business above.

What are the disadvantages of pig farming business?

High capital requirement, high feeding costs, cannibalism, foul smell are the main disadvantages of commercial pig production business.

How do you feed pigs cheaply?

Allowing your pigs to access pasture is a great way to feed them cheaply.

How many times can a pig get pregnant in a year?

Mamma pigs can usually breed twice a year and produce two healthy litters. Their pregnancy period is short (only about 3 months and 3 weeks), which helps them breed more often.

What food makes pigs grow faster?

Feeding a grain mix of barley, wheat, sorghum and corn will help your pigs grow faster.

What food is good for pigs?

Commercially prepared pig feed is very good for faster growth of your pigs. Actually, pigs can eat all kinds of scraps or leftover food such as mealie-pap, bread, vegetables, fruit and pig pellets.

How much money do you make per pig?

It actually depends on numerous factors. So, it’s very tough to tell the exact amount. But on an average, you can expect between $200 and $500 per pigs if you sell directly to customer.

How Many Pigs Do You Need To Make A Profit?

There is no limit. It can be simply one pig for making small amount of profit. The more pigs you raise, the more the profits will be. It’s simple!

How many pigs per acre?

If you allow your pigs to access pasture, then having around 25 pigs per acre will be good.

What are the common diseases of pigs?

Main diseases of pigs are coccidiosis, exudative dermatitis, respiratory diseases, swine dysentery, mastitis and porcine parvovirus. Consult with a vet in your area for having better recommendation about controlling all these pig diseases.

How long is a pigs labor?

Duration of a pig’s labor ranges from 30 minutes to around or more than 5 hours.

What is a baby pig called?

A baby pig is called as piglet or farrow.

What is a male pig called?

A male pig is called boar.

What is a female pig called?

A female pig is called as a sow.

How long do piglets stay with their mother?

Piglets are frequently removed from their mothers when they are less than 4 weeks of age in commercial pig production systems.

How much feed does a pig eat per day?

It actually depends on the breed. On average a pig will consume between 5 and 7 lbs of food par day.

How much water do pigs need per day?

Daily water needs for pigs range from half gallon to 1.5 gallon per day. Water requirements for breeding swine range from 4 gal/day for gestating females and 6 gal/ day for lactating swine.

Is rice good for pigs?

Yes, pigs love to eat all types of rice, and this can be a great addition to your pigs diet which should consist of high nutritional content.

How much land do you need for a pig?

It is recommended that you plan for around 8 square feet of space per pig for growing pigs.

Any tips for pig farming for beginners?

Always try to feed your pigs with good quality and nutritious food, monitor their health on a regular basis and always try to take good care of them.

Do you have a pig farming project report?

Yes, we have a demo only. Please consult with an expert in your area and ask for help for creating a good project report for you.

Any suggestions on pig farming business plan?

Try to include as many factors as you can in your business plan from starting to marketing.

Any pig farming training centers available?

Yes, pig farming training centers available in many countries around the world. Please consult with your local agriculture extension office for having better recommendations. They will be able to give you better information regarding training.

How to reduce pig feeding costs?

You can reduce pig feeding costs by allowing your pigs to access pasture.

Any suggestion for pig farming housing plan?

Try to keep separate space for pregnant sow, boar and piglets in your housing plan.

What are the pig farming requirements?

Good shelter, very good ventilation, no overheating, no smells, no draft and no dampness are the top requirements for commercial pig rearing business.

What is the difference between swine and pig?

In Britain the term pig refers to all domestic swine, while in the United States it refers to younger swine not yet ready for market and weighing usually less than 82 kg, others being called hogs.

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