Pomfret Fish: Nutrition, Benefits, Cooking, Taste, Price

Pomfret is a very popular fish many countries around the world. It is well known for its flat, round shape and silver color. The fish has a smooth, shiny skin and a mild, delicate taste that many people enjoy. It is especially popular in Asia, and it is often cooked in various ways, such as frying, grilling or steaming. Pomfret fish curry is a very popular dish in many Asian countries.

Pomfret fish is very nutritious and a healthy choice because it is low in fat and high in protein. Pomfret does not have a strong fishy smell and the meat is tender and easy to eat. Many traditional and modern recipes available to enjoy this fish.

If you like this fish and want to enjoy it, we recommend buying fresh pomfret that looks fresh and has clear and bright eyes. The fish is easily available in markets and can be found in both fresh and frozen conditions. However, before discussing more about this fish species, let us first explain what pomfret fish actually is.

What is pomfret fish?

The pomfret fish is a perciform fish species and is a very important food source for humans. They are generally found globally in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as numerous seas including the Norwegian, Mediterranean, and Sea of Japan. Nearly all species of pomfrets can be found in the high seas.

pomfret fish


The pomfret fish have distinctive appearance with some unique physical features that make them very easy to recognize. They have a flat and round body with such a shape that looks like a disk or a circle. Their bodies are generally covered with smooth, shiny silver skin.

They usually have a small mouth and very small and sharp teeth. The fins of pomfret fish are thin and spread out. That’s why they are excellent swimmers. Their dorsal fin is tall and on the top of their body. And they have a forked tail.

The pomfret fish have big eyes that are bright and clear. Exact size of their eyes can vary depending upon the species. But generally they are a medium-sized fish and typically reach between 6 to 12 inches long. Exact weight of the fish also depends on the species. But they typically weigh between 1 to 4.5 pounds.


The pomfret fish mostly eat small creatures found in the water. Their main food includes tiny fish, shrimp, and occasionally small crustaceans like crabs. As these fish have small and sharp teeth, and they use their small, sharp teeth to catch and eat these small animals.


Like many other fish species, the pomfret fish also reproduce by laying eggs in the ocean. The male and female pomfrets come together for spawning, and the female releases her eggs into the water. And then the male releases his sperm over the eggs. The pomfret eggs are very tiny and float in the water until they hatch.

After a few days, the eggs become larvae. The pomfret larvae looks different from the adult fish and are very tiny. They drift with the ocean currents and slowly grow bigger. And as they grow, they change shape and become more like adult pomfrets.


Generally, average lifespan of the pomfret fish is between 4 to 7 years. Although, exact lifespan of these fish depends on numerous factors, and also on its species.


The pomfret fish is mainly used as food. It is a very nutritious and healthy fish species. And it is very popular in many cultures and cuisines throughout the world. It is especially popular and highly prized for its taste and uses in different culinary purposes.

pomfret fish

Cooking and recipes

Cooking pomfret fish is very easy and simple. You can cook these fish in many different ways. Some popular ways or recipes for cooking pomfrets are:

Frying: The most common and popular way of cooking pomfret fish is frying. For frying the fish, clean and pat die the fish first and then season it with salt, pepper and any other spices you like. Then heat some oil in a pan over medium heat. Place the fish in the pan once the oil is hot and cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side, or until the fish is golden brown and cooked properly.

Grilling: Grilling is also a popular way for cooking pomfret fish. For grilling the pomfret, season the fish first with your favorite herbs and spices. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat, and then place the fish on the grill and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness. If you want to add extra flavor, wrap the fish in foil with some vegetables and herbs.

Steaming: Steaming the fish is a very healthy way to cook the pomfret fish. For steaming, place the cleaned fish in a steamer basket. Add spices as per your preference. You can add ginger, garlic, and scallions for flavor. Steam the fish for about 8-10 minutes.

Baking: Baking is also a popular way for cooking the pomfret fish. For baking this fish, preheat your oven to 350°F. Then season the fish and place it in a baking dish. Add some lemon slices and herbs for added taste and flavor. Bake the fish until it is cooked properly. Generally, 15 to 20 minute baking is enough.


Pomfret fish are highly nutritious. Approximate nutritional values per 100 gram are:

Calories: 150-200 kcal

Protein: 15-20 grams

Fat: 3-5 grams (most of the fats are healthy unsaturated fats)

Carbohydrates: 0 grams

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Varies depending upon the species, but generally a good source

Health Benefits

The pomfret is a highly nutritious seafood. It is very tasty and has several health benefits. Pomfrets are an excellent source of good quality protein. And such good quality protein is essential for muscle growth, repair and overall body function. A 100 gram serving typically contains about 15-20 grams of high quality protein. Eating pomfrets is very good for heart health. Because the pomfrets are relatively low in fat (with most of the fat being healthy unsaturated fats). They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Pomfrets are also a good source of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamin D and vitamin B12. And the fish is a good source of some essential minerals like selenium and phosphorus. Selenium has antioxidant properties, and phosphorus is an important mineral for bone health and energy production.


The pomfret is a very tasty fish and it is known for its mild and delicate flavor. It has a slightly sweet taste. And the taste is not overpowering or fishy. The flesh of pomfret is tender and flaky and has a smooth, silky texture that holds up well during cooking.


Exact price of the pomfret fish depends on numerous factors like location, availability, season, freshness etc. Typically, the price of fresh pomfret ranges between $15 to $25 per pound. The frozen fish are less costly, with an average price between $10 and $20.

Where to buy pomfret fish near me?

You can buy pomfret fish from different sources. Some common options are local seafood markets, Asian grocery stores, supermarkets and online seafood retailers.

Frequently asked questions

Can pregnant lady eat pomfret fish?

Yes, pomfret fish are good for pregnant women. This fish contain low mercury content and healthy for pregnant ladies. But cook properly and consume in moderation.

Does pomfret fish have bones?

Yes, pomfret fish have bones. But they are generally considered to be quite manageable than other common fish species.

Does pomfret fish have scales?

No, they don’t have scales. Instead, the fish has smooth, and shiny skin.

How much protein in pomfret fish?

Pomfrets are good source of protein. Generally, a 100 gram serving contains about 15-20 grams of high quality protein.

How to catch pomfret fish?

For catching pomfret fish, you can use light to medium fishing gear with a rod and reel suitable for handling lines around 10 to 20 pounds. Use small to medium-sized hooks and live bait like shrimp or small fish. You can use fishing methods such as trolling, bottom fishing or drifting. Early morning or late afternoon are good times to catch pomfret fish.

How to clean pomfret fish?

You can start cleaning the pomfret fish by rinsing the fish under cold water. You can use a sharp knife to cut off the head just behind the gills. Then make a slit along the belly and remove the internal organs. Rinse the cavity again to ensure it is cleaned properly. If you want, you can fillet the fish by cutting along the backbone and lifting away the fillets. And then pat the fish dry with paper towels. And finally, it is ready for cooking.

Is pomfret fish kosher?

Yes, the pomfret fish is generally considered kosher.

Is pomfret safe to eat?

Yes, pomfret is considered safe, and a good fish for health. It is highly nutritious and rich in high quality protein. It is a good source of some essential vitamins and minerals. Pomfrets are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

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