Romanian Buffalo: Origin, Characteristics, Uses

The Romanian buffalo is a multipurpose breed of water buffalo. As the name suggests it is from Romania, and the breed is also known as Bivol românesc.

The breed was actually developed from the Mediterranean type of water buffalo. Introgression has been made since 1960 from Murrah buffalo stock from Bulgaria.

A herdbook for the breed was established in 1987. The Romanian population consists of 3 different buffalo types: Carpathian type, Danubian buffalo and the one improved through the Indian Murrah buffalo. And the most numerous Romanian buffaloes are the Carpathian type.

Total number of the Romanian buffalo is slightly decreasing. The number of breeding animals used for AI was 11800 (1,628 in herdbook)/5 bulls in 1994. However, read some more information about this buffalo breed below.

Romanian Buffalo Characteristics

The Romanian buffalo is unicolored in black and the skin color is also black. The back line is sinuous, i.e. loin and tail point come lower than wither and crump height.

Both males and females are horned, and their horns are directed to the back and each measuring about 50-70 cm. Average body height of the mature males is between 140 and 142 cm at the wither, and between 131 and 133 for the females.

Average live body weight of the mature females is between 530 and 560 kg, and between 650 and 680 for males.[1]

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Temperament and Behavior

The Romanian buffaloes are known for their docile behavior and gentle temperament. They are generally easy to handle. That’s why you can easily use them in agricultural activities such as plowing fields and pulling carts.


The Romanian buffaloes are multi-purpose animals. They are used for both milk and meat production. And also good for draught purpose.

Special Notes

Most numerous Romanian buffaloes are the Carpathian type, with valuable gene resource and they are well adapted to the cold climate for buffalo.

These animals are very well adapted to their local environment. The type of management is stationary, housing is over 6-8 months/year and feeding is mixes.

The buffaloes are maintained in closed barns in winter in most smallholders. But a combination between stable housing with grazing is practiced in the warm seasons.

They are powerful swimmers. The young animals are kept for grazing on pasture. Both cattle and buffaloes coexist satisfactorily when pastured together.

The Romanian buffaloes are mainly used for milk, meat and draught power. Milk production of the animals vary in accordance to the season of calving, lactation numbers, level of feeding and length of lactation.

Average milk production is between 958 and 1455 kg per lactation. And the lactation period is between 252 and 285 days.

First calving of these animals generally occur within their 38 to 42 months of age. Along with milk production, these animals are also very good for producing meat.

The young are slaughtered at their 22-24 months of age when they reach about 350-400 kg body weight. Milk and meat are of good quality.

Milk generally contain around 7.48 percent fat, and around 3.93 percent protein. However, review full breed profile of the Romanian buffalo in the following table.

Breed NameRomanian
Other NameBivol românesc
Breed PurposeMilk, meat, draught
Special NotesVery strong and hardy animals, well adapted to the cold climate, very well adapted to the local environment, maintained in closed barns in winter in the smallholders, these animals are powerful swimmers, the young animals are kept for grazing on pasture, first calving generally occur within their 38-42 months of age, good for both meat and milk production, milk is of good quality containing around 7.48 percent fat and around 3.93 percent protein
Breed SizeMedium
BullsBetween 650 and 680 kg
CowsBetween 530 and 560 kg
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Country/Place of OriginRomania

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