Serbian Highflyer Pigeon: Origin, Characteristics, Uses

The Serbian Highflyer pigeon is a breed of domestic pigeon from Serbia. It is a very beautiful breed which is bred for endurance flying. It was originally developed from the city of Belgrade, Serbia Yugoslavia.

The breed is a pretty recent creation and is not mentioned by Wendell Levi in his text The Pigeon. There are some evidence exists that indicate that the breed has descended from “The Illyrian Pigeon“. And this would make the Serbian Highflyer pigeon a relative of the Archangel which has a similar body type.

The crest of the Serbian Highflyer pigeon is best described as ‘spade‘ shaped, while the crest of the Archangel come to a ‘peak‘.

Currently the Serbian Highflyer pigeons are mainly maintained as a performance breed, and they are noted for their endurance and high flying abilities. Their flying skill and style is similar to the Tippler pigeon.

Total population of this breed is many in it’s native area, but it’s pretty rare outside it’s country of origin. Read some more information about the breed below.

History And Origins Of Serbian Highflyer Pigeons

As the name suggests, the Serbian Highflyer pigeon breed originated from Serbia in the 19th century. It was developed by passionate pigeon fanciers, and it was selectively bred for it’s stamina, robust health and distinctive flight patterns.

These birds are deeply embedded in Serbian culture and it is more than a pigeon breed in Serbian culture. They symbolize a rich tradition and heritage.

Today the breed continues to be esteemed by pigeon enthusiasts globally. It has gained international recognition for it’s exceptional flying capabilities.


Serbian Highflyer pigeon is a small to medium sized breed with compact body and flat vertical crest. Head of these birds is long and narrow with pronounced flatness on top.

Their beak is of medium long, angled downward and slightly curved. Their body is relatively short and stout, solid and well muscled. Their feathering is tight with no gaps.

Their eyes are of pearl color with as little gravel as possible. The eyes are placed center in front of the middle of the skull. But the white or baldheads may be bull eyed. Their neck is rather stout, tapering slightly from body to head.

Their wings are long, and reach tip of tail with strong and prominent wing butts. The wings are carried above the tails, and the tail is short and close with good webbing. They are clean legged birds, and color of the legs is red. Average mature body weight of the Serbian Highflyer pigeon vary from 170 to 255 grams.

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Housing Requirements

These pigeons require a secure, well-ventilated, spacious and comfortable housing system to stay healthy and active. Try to include ample perching areas and nesting boxes inside their housing system to accommodate their natural behaviors.

Construct their house with sturdy materials to provide protection from extreme weather conditions and also from pest and parasites. Also ensure adequate ventilation system to ensure better airflow for preventing respiratory issues.

Also arrange an attached aviary or flight area for your birds to allow them to exercise well and display their tumbling flight patterns. Also try to clean the house on a regular basis.

Dietary Requirements

Feeding the birds with very good quality and nutritious food is another most important part of raising Serbian Highflyer pigeons. These birds require nutritious and a well balanced diet to maintain good health. Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, these birds also require a balanced diet consisting of high-quality grains and seeds such as corn, rice, millets, peas, wheat etc.

Along with providing your birds with good quality seeds and grains, try to supplement their diet with some fruits and vegetables. And doing this will help the birds to get essential vitamins and minerals.

Add oyster shell to their diet to fulfill their calcium requirements. Also provide them grit, because it helps the birds for aiding digestion. And always try to provide your birds with enough clean and fresh drinking water as per their demand.


Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, the Serbian Highflyer pigeons are also naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily if you provide them with all the required facilities. But before that, you have to select good quality birds for breeding. Always try to choose good quality, healthy and active birds for successful breeding.

After choosing the breeding pair, provide them a clean and spacious nesting area to ensure successful reproduction. Always try to provide the breeding pair with nutritious diet rich in nutrients. This is very important to support egg production and chick development.

Try to supply enough nesting materials (such as straw or soft bedding) to create a comfortable nest. Generally, the female Serbian Highflyer pigeon lay two eggs at a time. Both male and female take the responsibility to hatch the eggs. It generally take between 17 and 19 days for hatching.

Both male and female pigeons continue to care for and feed the chicks after hatching. They used to feed their babies until they are ready to fledge at round 4-6 weeks of age. Monitor the health of your breeding birds regularly, and try to ensure a stress free environment for them.


The Serbian Highflyer pigeons are known for their gentle behavior and friendly temperament.


This is the most important part of raising Serbian Highflyer pigeons. These pigeons is relatively strong and hardy birds, so caring them is easy and simple.

Good caring tasks of these birds involves providing them a clean, safe and spacious environment, good and nutritious food, and performing regular health checkups.

Always try to provide your birds with enough clean and fresh drinking water as per their demand. Vaccinate them timely and try to perform regular health checkups.


The Serbian Highflyer pigeon is an excellent flying breed. It is raised mainly for flying purpose.

Popularity And Price

The Serbian Highflyer pigeons are pretty popular among the pigeon enthusiasts. But it’s not possible to tell their exact price, because it depends on numerous factors and can vary from place to place. Exact price depends on the bird’s age, lineage, coloration, training etc. Generally their price can vary from just $50 to several hundred dollars.


Average lifespan of the Serbian Highflyer pigeons is between 10 and 15 years.

Pros And Cons

Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, these pigeons also have some advantages and disadvantages. Here we are trying to list the most common and notable pros and cons of Serbian Highflyer pigeons.


  • Easy breeding
  • Adapt well to various conditions
  • Gentle behavior
  • Friendly
  • Social


  • Require less care
  • Vulnerability to predators

Special Notes

The Serbian Highflyer pigeon is a striking bird with lively appearance as if ready to fly. These birds are very hardy and excellent flyers. They are easily characterized by long circle flights of up to 15 hours. They can fly high, as high as 1500 meters.

The breed is very popular in Serbia, and there are about 20,000 fanciers of this breed in Serbia. But the breed is rare outside it’s native area. And the breed is not often seen as an exhibition breed.

The breed can be also good as pets. However, review full breed profile of this breed in the following chart.

Breed NameSerbian Highflyer
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeFlying, pets
Special NotesBeautiful birds, lively appearance, strong, excellent flyers, long circle flights of up to 15 hours, can be good as pets
Breed ClassSmall to medium
Weight170-255 grams
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Flying AbilityExcellent
As PetsGood
Country/Place of OriginSerbia

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