Speckled Sussex Chicken: Origin, Characteristics, Uses, Photo

Speckled Sussex chicken is a dual purpose breed which originated in Sussex county, England in the early of 19th century. Now this chicken breed is also popular in many countries.

Sussex chickens have various colors and have a bantam version (about 1/4 of original). It was bred mainly as a table bird. But now it has become a dual purpose breed and suitable for both meat and egg production.

Characteristics of Speckled Sussex Chicken

Speckled Sussex chicken is famous as a table bird. They are ideal for fattening and have pinkish white skin and long, deep body. In the heavy chicken breed class, they are of medium sized.

Speckled Sussex hens lay light brown or tinted color eggs. Their plumage is of rich mahogany base color with individual feathers ending in a white tip separated from the rest of the feathers by a black bar. Which is a delight to the eyes.

Speckled Sussex baby chicks vary greatly in color from dark chestnut to a creamy buff and some chicks also have alternate light and dark stripes lengthwise on the back.

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Speckled Sussex chicken combines beauty with utility and is very suitable for dual purpose and for showing. This breed can weight about 7-8 lbs.


Speckled Sussex chickens are curious, friendly and most importantly gentle. This chicken breed tend to have more personality than some other breeds. They are cold hardy and the hens can be broody.

Breed NameSpeckled Sussex
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeDual Purpose
Breed TemperamentCalm, Friendly, Curious, Gentle
Breed SizeHeavy (7-8 lbs)
CombSingle Comb
Climate ToleranceAll Climates (cold hardy)
Egg ColorLight Brown or tinted
Egg SizeLarge
Egg ProductivityAbout 4 eggs per week
Feathered LegsNo
VarietiesSussex chicken have many varieties

The Good

  • Calm
  • Curious
  • Friendly
  • Gentle
  • Pretty
  • Lay large light brown eggs
  • Will fit with your older or existing flock
  • Perfect for raising in backyard

The Bad

  • Sometimes too Curious
  • Tend to wander farther from home
  • Roosters can be a little evil

Is Speckled Sussex Chicken Good For You?

Speckled Sussex Chicken will be good for you if you…….

  • Want to raise some great chickens which will be friendly with your children.
  • Want to have some chickens with great personalities.
  • Live somewhere with colder winters.
  • Want to keep some chickens for fattening.
  • Want to raise dual purpose breed.
  • Want to raise chickens in your backyard.
  • Are interested in having beautiful chickens as pets.

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