Uku Fish: Hawaiian Uku Fish Mercury, Recipe, Price!

The Uku fish is a popular and common species of marine ray-finned fish. It is a snapper fish belonging to the family Lutjanidae. It is also known by many other names in many different parts of the world. Its other names include Green jobfish, Gray jobfish, Gray snapper, Slender snapper etc.

The Uku fish is mainly found in the Indo-Pacific region and it inhabits various reef environments. It generally live at depth from near the surface to around 120 meters. Uku is a very important fish species for local and commercial fisheries and is very popular as a game fish. The fish can also be found in the aquarium trade.

The Uku fish is well known for its stunning green color, which can range from a light green to a deeper shade. These fish help to keep the reef clean and healthy by eating smaller fish and sea creatures. They also help to prevent too much algae from growing and keeps the coral reef in balance. However, read more about this fish species below.

What is Hawaiian Uku fish?

The Uku fish is a beautiful fish with distinct look. It is mainly found in the Indo-pacific region. It is found in areas like Hawaii and the Great Barrier Reef. It is known for its green coloration and known by many different names. Its other names are Green Jobfish, Gray Jobfish, Gray Snapper, and Slender Snapper. The scientific name is Aprion virescens.

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The Uku fish are known for their distinct characteristics. They have an elongated, streamlined body. Their body coloration can vary from bright lime to a deeper shade. Their dorsal fin is long and continuous, and their pectoral fins are broad. Their anal fin is also long, and their eyes are relatively large. They have strong, sharp teeth and their jaws are powerful. Their whole body is covered with small, smooth scales.

Size and weight

Average size of the Uku fish is typically between 38 to 50 cm. Although, some fish can reach as high as 70 cm in length. And average weight of these fish is between 2 to 5 pounds, and some fish can reach around 11 pounds.


The Uku fish has a varied diet primarily consisting of small fish, crustaceans and cephalopods. These fish play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of its coral reef ecosystem by controlling the populations of smaller marine organisms. Although, their diet can vary depending on the environment and availability of food.


The Uku fish typically spawn in groups. They often spawn during specific lunar phases, especially around the full moon. This spawning timing is believed to be synchronized with environmental conditions to maximize reproductive success. During the spawning periods, the males display their bright green coloration for attracting females.

After successful mating, the females lay eggs into the open water. And the eggs float and eventually hatch into larvae. Then these larvae drift with the currents until they settle into the reef environment. And finally the larvae become juvenile and grow gradually.


Average lifespan of the Uku fish is between 10 to 15 years.


The Uku fish is mainly used as food. It is caught for using as food mainly due to its firm, tasty flesh.


Cooking the Uku fish is very easy and simple. It is very easy to cook this fish and similar to preparing other types of firm, white fish. Some popular dish or cooking ways are:

Grilling: Grilling is the most common and popular way for cooking Uku fish. For grilling, take Uku fillets, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, fresh herbs, salt and pepper. Mix the oil, lemon juice, minced garlic, salt, chopped herbs, and pepper in a bowl. Brush the fillets with the marinade and let them sit for at least 30 minutes. Then heat your grill to medium-high heat, and place the fillets on the grill and cook for 3-4 minutes each side.

Baking: Baking is also another popular way for cooking Uku fish. Take fish fillets, olive oil, lemon slices, fresh herbs, salt and pepper. Preheat your oven to 375°F. Prepare the baking dish by greasing a baking dish lightly with olive oil. Place the fillets in the dish, and brush with olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, and place lemon slices and herbs on the top. And then cook the fish in oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

Pan-searing: For pan-searing, take Uku fillets, butter or olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Heat the skillet over medium-high heat with a bit of butter or olive oil. Season the fish fillets with pepper and salt. Then place the fillets in the hot pan and cook for about 3-4 minutes per side.


The Uku fish is a highly nutritious fish. A 100 grams serving provides:

  • Calories: Approximately 100-120 kcal
  • Protein: Around 20-25 grams
  • Fat: About 1-2 grams
  • Saturated Fat: Less than 0.5 grams
  • Cholesterol: Approximately 60-70 milligrams
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: About 0.5-1 gram (varies based on diet and habitat)


The Uku fish can contain mercury, but typically at moderate levels. Exact mercury level of these fish depends on the size, age of the fish, and where the fish was caught. Eating Uku fish is generally safe for most people. But it is not good to consume this fish in excess amount. Young children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should be especially very careful.


The Uku fish is a very tasty fish. It is mild, slightly sweet, and delicate.


Exact price of the Uku fish depends on numerous factors and it can vary from place to place. Average price of these fish can vary from $15 to $30 per pound.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

There are some questions people often ask about these fish species. We are trying to list the most common and frequently asked questions about the Uku fish.

What is Uku fish Hawaii?

The Uku is a species of marine ray-finned fish. It is a snapper fish belonging to the family Lutjanidae. Its scientific name is Aprion virescens.

Where to buy Uku fish?

You can buy these fish from your local fish markets, specialty seafood markets, supermarket with seafood departments, restaurants, and online seafood retailers.

How to cook Uku fish?

Cooking the Uku fish is very easy and simple. You can try grilling, baking, fish tacos, and pan-searing.

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